deleted over 9 years
Sims says Skrapper says Hell of a temp mod. i had no idea this was going to happen, trust me Funny, plenty of other people did.
deleted over 9 years
Togepi says Devante says togepi start modding now, u have a chance Ehhh I'd mod if Shacky would want me to. shacky u get two choices: I become mod or togepi becomes mod, make ur choice by dawn, punk
Shacky's been fine as a mod every time he's been modded. Not sure why anyone would have any doubts against him.
deleted over 9 years
Jared's a really good guy and I know he shitposts from time to time but I really trust he'll do a fine job.
I think it was pushed on chris tbh
deleted over 9 years
Patrick says this wasn't more of a decision and more like it was thrusted unto as christopher bolted out of the door idk what lucid was even thinking making chris an admin, there was no chance he would've lasted. he shoulda just made connor the admin from the getgo, but meh
Devante says togepi start modding now, u have a chance Ehhh I'd mod if Shacky would want me to.
actually, i don't deny being upset, because i was in slow's corner for sure.
deleted over 9 years
was this the thing bear had that other thread/ countdown for?
deleted over 9 years
this wasn't more of a decision and more like it was thrusted unto as christopher bolted out of the door
Devante says People who are upset right now in no particular order: Bearisslow, Connor Skrapper is bearisslow/cantankerous?
deleted over 9 years
Connor says what makes U think i was even on the table, devante u weren't, that's why UR AGGY hahaha
deleted over 9 years
WOW?!?!? holy congrats
deleted over 9 years
togepi start modding now, u have a chance
Skrapper says Hell of a temp mod. i had no idea this was going to happen, trust me
what makes U think i was even on the table, devante
deleted over 9 years
Hell of a temp mod.
deleted over 9 years
i feel like the catalyst as i suggested connor/shacky/bell and i guess this was phillip's choice
deleted over 9 years
People who are upset right now in no particular order: Bearisslow, Connor
Oh my god, I'm so happy for Shacky!
deleted over 9 years
I should find some of Shacky's posts within the last 2 months about him not wanting to mod, and him thinking modding was stupid haha this is great
deleted over 9 years
Heh, Shacky got admin. That faint growling you hear is bearissoslow brooding from being passed over yet again for the position.
deleted over 9 years
I knew Chris wasn't gonna last, but this, this was completely left field.