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Sandbox rules

over 9 years

To celebrate Platypop's new reign over sandbox. I will be creating a list of guidelines for everyone to follow.

Feel free to suggest in the comments.

Sandbox Rules:

  1. Why = Fry.

  2. Oracle asks to be lynch.

  3. No Host Kill.

  4. Don't claim virgin as fool.

  5. Suicide race if boxes not checked

  6. Always bread Hood

  7. Lynch Hood

  8. Policy

  9. No Party

  10. Report anyone who breaks sandbox rules.

Should Policy be a sandbox rule?
Yes, we were all new at some point isn't an excuse
No, no avi are friends not food.
over 9 years
9. Never Party as Partyhost
over 9 years
if that's a rule of sandbox I have another right here:

Never do party as partyhost
over 9 years
>always tree
over 9 years
I fixed #7 for you :)

7. Lynch hood
over 9 years
always claim virgin as fool
deletedover 9 years
Always suicide.
over 9 years
1) Why me? = offer an explanation

2) Oracle asks to be lynched if it is an appropriate time. But don't expect anything.

3) Host killing is fine. Try not to do it intentionally, but it is certainly not your responsibility to check who is host every game. All players are created equal.

4) Claim virgin as fool as often as you like. It is the town's responsibility to avoid fool lynches. It is NOT the fool's responsibility.

5) Never suicide
over 9 years

AwesomestPanda says

Hood wtf happened to your avi

I like this new one a lot
deletedover 9 years
I love host killing and claiming virgin as fool.
over 9 years
Always tree n1.
over 9 years
Hood wtf happened to your avi
over 9 years
6. Always bread hood.
over 9 years
#2 is bad and you should feel bad