We do have the rules page, but there are a lot of things that are not mentioned in there and are judged based on the precedents set by the previous moderators.
But the problem is that when a new moderator comes in, he or she is not aware of precedence and rules against it. This causes a lot of problem for the users.
If we can list down the cases then we can help users know the rules in a better way. They may not know all at first but if they break that rule once they will know it the second time.
If we can list that in this thread with help of the moderators, veteran users and some report links to provide support for the claims then we can have a comprehensive list that can be updated when needed.
I will start by listing the cases myself.
Encouraging Rule Breakage
Encouraging other people to suicide, spam, cheat or otherwise break a rule. ERB expires when the rule encouraged to break would have expired.
1- If someone is not able to participate in a game and has to leave then asking that person to suicide is not ERB.
Game Related Suicide
Suiciding or intentionally vegging for any game related reason.
1- Attempting to grs is also grs (when you suicide and the game still stays ranked because all votes were on you)
Insufficient Participation
Not participating sufficiently over the course of a game and/or an undefined period of time when addressed by another player or by a threat of votes. Sufficient participation does not include: Using gimmicks to speak - talking about non-game related things - Pretending to be AFK - vote flashing/using votes to communicate (excludes silencer setups and co.) Violation may also be applied if a user causes a loss due to a lack of game-related effort. This rule is only lightly moderated in red heart games.
1- Faking afk as mafia to vote after kicks or blitz is also ISP.
Outside Game Influence
Using tools or processes outside of a game in a game including, but not limited to: posting on profiles, lobbies, or the forums revealing game-related information, clearly stated meta posted on profile, whether followed or not, reporting a player in a game in progress, using third party functions or sites to make in-game decisions, bribes or threats (such as karma, kudos, and reporting), and pregame pacts.
1- If you see any person visiting another person's profile or a forum page and point that out as evidence to support your read on a person then it is ogi.
2- Posting report links and forum links or asking people to check those links to support your read is also ogi. If you are talking about strategic meta and the person believes you without you pointing him to visit a link then it is fine. (Mod please confirm)
Repeatedly sending the same message and/or chat flooding. Includes vote spamming. In extreme cases, if someone has received ample warning, and gameplay is disrupted across several games, a violation may be given in unranked Main Lobby
1- Spamming is moderated in Grave Yard, pregame, and Post game as well. I have precedence for this. If it is not moderated anymore then a moderator should confirm. We do understand that the intensity of the spamming is on the discretion of the moderator, but whether it is applicable in pregame, grave yard and post game or not, that should be pointed out here.
Antagonizing other players, disrupting gameplay through actions or communications, or otherwise playing to get negative reactions from other players.
1- If an oracle self orcs as strategy, to make mafia slip and give towny reactions is that still trolling or gamethrowing? It has been given a trolling violation previously, but a moderator should confirm it. In some cases it may be gamethrowing (where orcing another person gives autowin or near autowin) and is some cases it might be ok.
I request others to help me compile a list of precedence that are not available in the rules page. I could only list a few so please help me here.
I am trying to make the decision making process easy for the moderators. Keeping everything at discretion always causes controversies.