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over 9 years

Why does it happen? How does it happen? For what purpose?

deletedover 9 years
to answer the question you actually meant to ask: the setups that you made with 5-6 guns apiece aren't really suitable for ranked play but you're more than welcome to play them unranked.
deletedover 9 years
it's pretty much exclusively for pointfarms (setups in which 1 side has a significantly easier mechanical chance of winning, or setups that can be played so quickly that a player can speed through games for easy points). there are some exceptions, such as setups with multiple guns in play or setups with roles banned from competitive play.
over 9 years
There was a thread that explained this more in depth, but I can't find it. It was made several months ago, but I can't find the thread.
over 9 years
Blacklisting usually comes only for setups that usually don't show skill when being played. Common examples is Gallis Hunter where everyone selves to a Gallis then shoot someone else. Reverse where traitors just hope to get masoned. 3 maf 6 orc where it's hoping that the orc reveals mafia. Shot in the Dark where you shoot orcs for clears. And so on.

Other reasons come from having over powered roles like party with santa, or voodoo discouraging conversations. 1 disguiser with X lm (just a contest on meta reading each other)

Or the worst case: x Sheriff, y Deputy, z Sniper. X GS, Y Mafia