Strider says i half expected it to be bait. but u still got me thinkin about my responses. if only there was something substantial to talk about ITT but unfortunately bad thread means there isnt My intent wasn't actually to bait you and I hesitated to make that post about you being an A-hole because I knew you'd get worried and back off
Strider says i half expected it to be bait. but u still got me thinkin about my responses. if only there was something substantial to talk about ITT but unfortunately bad thread means there isnt there was never anything substantial to talk about. that's why people silently plussed it but nobody ever posted. it doesn't matter.
i half expected it to be bait. but u still got me thinkin about my responses. if only there was something substantial to talk about ITT but unfortunately bad thread means there isnt
you're not doing a good job of hiding it
I'm trolling both of you at once
i will undergo the correct action that is: not being suckered in any longer
Peta says This was secretly a honeypot by me to catch A-holes like Connor who just wanna prove they're the funniest person in the room u see. u misinterpret cuz the whole time i felt like i was missin the funny and now im not so im glad
Hey Connor, do you think Shacky posted this thread to be funny or to show people something fun. It's the former IMO but I can't be sure is widely controversial
i wanted to say this before. but bad thread
This was secretly a honeypot by me to catch A-holes like Connor who just wanna prove they're the funniest person in the room
Dude lay off it is just for fun
im glad im not the only one who doesnt see the funny
it's fun to play around with
I need it to be explained to me in full sentences. Preferably via PM so I'm not publicly humiliated. Haha not that I am a creep who is trying to rope some Mafia girls into PM'ing me I just want to know why it is funny