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The secret role Lucid doesn't...

over 9 years

...want you to know about!

While scouring EM earlier, I came across the official image file that holds the icons for all of the main roles ( Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first, until I noticed the very last icon at the bottom (). I went searching for a while to see if I could find this role, as it is not posted on the official role page or anywhere in custom roles. I was unsuccessful, but rumor has it that it exists somewhere among the thousands of created roles. If anyone finds it, be sure to post it here so we can add it to setups. Also, does anyone have any speculation about what the role might be?

Should (unknown role) be added to the Official Sandbox Setup?
over 9 years
There is no such thing as the illuminati why don't you forget about such silly things and play a game instead.
deletedover 9 years
illuminati is here
over 9 years

BaneofMafia says

Illuminati Confirmed.

deletedover 9 years
I believe it's called Seer or something along those lines.
over 9 years
i found something like that a year or 2 ago except the one i saw looked like an evil lightkeeper type thing
deletedover 9 years
Illuminati Confirmed.
deletedover 9 years
merlin was made already in custom. thats not it js

edit: merlin for some reason was not made? but i saw the icon and it was a dude in blue
over 9 years
Where are people finding these secret roles and emotes? How much has Lucid been hiding from us????
over 9 years
I think there's gonna be an episode about this in the new x-files mini series.
over 9 years
If I recall correctly, Lucid was planning on adding a Merlin-type role. Could this be it's icon? It sounded like a town role though, and this icon appears to be for a maf role.