over 9 years

Can we get rid of this role? I's completely worthless if everyone leaves a name in their will and only matters if town is completely stupid or mafia has a forger. It's not fun and people rarely use it to guise anymore.

It's treated like a goon these days.

Should we get rid of Guiser?
over 7 years
Tfw Town of Salem fell for this meme and now they ripped off the actress role instead leaving EM the only place where you can play as a true disguiser.
deletedMar 23, 2015
Get rid of wills instead

I think this was me
deletedover 7 years
keep in mind at the time of this thread being made, guiser didn't remove people's wills and made the role absolutely pointless sometimes
over 7 years
idk why this was necrod but whoever is talking about the best role in the game better be prepared to fight
over 7 years
over 9 years
I prefer not having wills tbh, means you need to think more as town. Especially since useful roles will have to out, or you'll lose all their reports....so remove wills and forger from the setup. That'd be my opinion.
over 9 years
People don't read wills
over 9 years
People read wills? the 283572893523 times i've been guised no one has read my will
over 9 years
OP of this thread can fuckright off
over 9 years
Getting rid of wills will reduce town win rate by 95% and we will all develop trust issue.
over 9 years
Useless thread, it's one of the best maf roles. Stop whining about it and try to argue about the creepygirl or autocrat to get my attention.
over 9 years

Sportsfan666 says

People only really use guiser to guise people they dislike and make them say stupid things.

that's the point
over 9 years
No get rid of yourself
over 9 years
Everytime I see this still used the role just dies whenever it guises and people read wills.

Get rid of wills or get rid of this role.
over 9 years
without guiser i can never live out my dream of becoming theplok, thecynic, etc.
over 9 years
Mechanics wise, guiser is actually broken. If there is a chef in game, his list will show the guiser as the original player, not the guised player. People only really use guiser to guise people they dislike and make them say stupid things.
deletedover 9 years
Get rid of wills instead
over 9 years
stop making threadsssss
over 9 years
i can agree about janitor but i like guiser, especially when you can guess who is least likely to leave an incriminating will and you go on a guising streak. gotta get those s1ck gu1s3r c0mb0z. out of courtesy to guisers i rarely leave name in will. we should make that a sandbox rule
over 9 years
Guiser and Janitor are rendered completely useless with the inclusion of wills i'd say, so removing them would be a good option.
over 9 years

Endoplasmic says

This is why we shouldn't leave names in their wills :3

They will do it anyways.
over 9 years
This is why we shouldn't leave names in their wills :3