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Ethical Epicmafia Dilemmas

deletedover 9 years

Post and discuss them here. I'll start:

You're anti-town in a game with a celebrity, who happens to be the host. You also know that there's no roles who can with or watch your kill.

Killing the celeb and taking away a clear would be the best strategy here, but would also make you a rude hostkiller. What do you do?

Wat do
Be clutch and kill celeb
Be nice and don't hostkill
over 9 years
Maf bros before hoes
over 9 years
Joint with maf, what's best for my lover doesn't concern me.
deletedover 9 years
Dilemma 2:
You're lover on town, it's mylo and all mafs are known. It's pretty much auto for town.

You could keep lynching mafs until they're gone but risk getting nightkilled in the process and losing, even though town will still win.
Or you could joint with maf by lynching a townie that isn't your lover: you win but you betrayed your lover, who loses.

What do you do?
over 9 years
Kill the celeb if the game took a reasonable amount of time to fill (most of the games). If not (because of the time when it was hosted at or something), then don't.
over 9 years
be maf. get maided. out partners??????????????????/ yes.
over 9 years
If u know that there's no roles that are going to defend/watch ur kill then it's ok. But if u don't have a way of knowing ur a binch.
over 9 years
it's the goal of the mafia to kill the celeb and they have a reason to hostkill so why not

celebs know they're going to be targeted regardless of host or nonhost status bc they're an auto clear for the most part
over 9 years
Hostkilling isn't a thing
deletedover 9 years
so long as its not n1, its not a hostkill. once you get to d1, then host can be killed all you like. it wont be rude or anything.

so yeah, i'd kill the host assuming its past n1. dont see why not lol
deletedover 9 years
I'd probably kill the host. But it's situations like these why I try to always play anon decks.
deletedover 9 years
bump for visibility