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over 9 years

Should BP and Bleeder remain in Sandbox?

And I couple these together because they are both the sitting-duck "I'm just waiting to die" town roles.

I'll make my point against these two in the comments.

Should BP and/or Bleeder stay in the official Sandbox setup?
Keep both
Remove both
Keep BP, remove Bleeder
Keep Bleeder, remove BP
over 9 years
Keep bleeder for baker famine!

And voodoo!
over 9 years
I made my own set-up without them. 10/10
over 9 years
Bleeder + Voodoo combo too OP, town laughing to death guaranteed
over 9 years
No, bleeder is perfectly fine. I say leave it in, along with BP
deletedover 9 years
Bleeder is useless
over 9 years
mudkips pls how do you expect me to fakeclaim
over 9 years
useful for fake claims, sometimes for clearing townies if they get shot, also useful to keep strong mafia teams or strong thirds from destroying town easily. they are passive but they make town stronger even if they don't investigate. removing these would make the setup less balanced overall. in some games maf teams and strong thirds would steamroll towns since they are squisher, and in others town would have the benefit of more active rolls and possibly win more easily.

removing these because of sui's is dumb, because there are roles (baker lk blue alien prophet ect) that people sui as way more often, and people sui just as often for completely unrelated and it breaks games. removing these would just unbalance the setup without lowering the amount of sui's.

as for fun, that is completely subjective. some people have just as much fun with inactive roles, some people have different tastes in active roles about which is fun. however, i think we can have a consensus that playing balanced setups is more fun than playing unbalanced setups, and removing these would reduce overall setup balance.
over 9 years
useful for fake claims. I enjoy playing bleeder. useful for holding bombs. generally useful. no reason to remove.
over 9 years
i say no, because these are the two lamest town roles that could be removed without games becoming unbalanced.

on one hand, we shouldn't be removing roles because they are lame. to avoid towns becoming op this is why we should probably keep such roles as oracle, lk, lm/gallis, journ, etc. such roles are worth keeping not only because they counter op town roles but because they have some ability or something that makes them even slightly worth playing.

however, bp and bleeder don't deserve to stay because they lack any outstanding ability or anything that makes them "fun" to play. many people sui n1 if they get either role. essentially they sit and wait to be hit and to die. they are always seen as scummy because there isn't much they can use to clear themselves with (and if they have to clear themselves, they strip themselves of what little their role had, the ability to not die right away.)

so, in the spirit of sandbox, these roles just dont belong here, and these dumb roles are worth removing even if it might mean that towns are slightly more op as a result.