over 9 years

Should Autocrat be added to Official Sandbox Setup?

Should Autocrat be added to Official Sandbox Setup?
over 7 years
Yes, add it. It would be nice to have more masonable roles. Also, Sandbox usually favors maf too much, Autocrat might fix that.
over 7 years
Autocrat is a much better role than Mastermind because every player is aware of Autocrat's presence, as opposed to Mastermind whose presence can only be revealed by mafias (or few other roles, like Agent).

The presence of an Autocrat means that town must shift focus from finding last maf to finding the autocrat near the end of the game, which changes the game's dynamic. Also, Mafia benefits from keeping Autocrat alive, but not the other way around)

Mastermind would be decent if, for its victory condition, it would not count itself (so 3 mafias, MM, and 2 other players would have to be left; as it is right now, 3 mafias, MM, and 4 other players left leads to MM win). Otherwise it's day 2 and all of a sudden you find out that mastermind won and everyone has a game.
deletedover 7 years
Considering we have MM, yes, it should be.
over 7 years

ObitoSigma says

bdog1321 says


I feel like autocrap would be a much better fit in the setup than mastermind. while mastermind does increase the chances of killing partners, it virtually never actually happens unless people are trolling. mastermind ends the game prematurely much of the time. autocrap wouldn't, because it generally takes time to catch all of the mafia. autocrap just adds a lot more depth to the game than mastermind.

over 7 years

bdog1321 says


I feel like autocrap would be a much better fit in the setup than mastermind. while mastermind does increase the chances of killing partners, it virtually never actually happens unless people are trolling. mastermind ends the game prematurely much of the time. autocrap wouldn't, because it generally takes time to catch all of the mafia. autocrap just adds a lot more depth to the game than mastermind.
over 7 years
over 9 years
Autocrat is less powerful than MM


Chris plz
over 9 years
If MM is in the setup, it's only fair there be an autocrat - no?
over 9 years
pls no masterminderino for village
over 9 years
Autocrap rarely wins tho
deletedover 9 years
yknow i actually switch to yeah because. its basically just town mm minus the anon. i see no harm
over 9 years
deletedover 9 years
I'm good for autocrat either way. My preference is on no, but I've always just ignored it instead of considered it as a fun role. But if you guys want it, that would be kinda fun. Probably more strategic than mistletoe tbh.

over 9 years
Autocrat is much less irritating than mastermind as town for me, if mm is in auto should be in too!

deletedover 9 years
say yes to new things =)
over 9 years

BabaCakes says

I'm gonna say no. The only purpose of autocrat is to infuriate town really.

That's exactly why we need to bring the autocrat back!
deletedover 9 years
If we have a mastermind we might as well have the autocrat.
over 9 years
With random roles it can be extremely difficult to actually find the autocrat. Most of the time the town just has to hope that the mafia kills him.
deletedover 9 years
autocrat is glitched as heck last i knew
over 9 years
I feel like autocrap would be a much better fit in the setup than mastermind. while mastermind does increase the chances of killing partners, it virtually never actually happens unless people are trolling. mastermind ends the game prematurely much of the time. autocrap wouldn't, because it generally takes time to catch all of the mafia. autocrap just adds a lot more depth to the game than mastermind.
over 9 years
we don't call him autocrap for nothing
over 9 years
I'm gonna say no. The only purpose of autocrat is to infuriate town really.
over 9 years
over 9 years
No because Hitler is bad