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Win as many trophies as you can

almost 10 years

Here's a little wager for you players. Anyone single person who wins the most trophies between now and June I will personally fly you to Philadelphia for a summer vacation. Rules: Must be 18+, must have the most trophies by June 15th (if that's mid round then til the end of that round). Doesn't matter what kind of trophies you win, but you can't add past trophies. No you can't tie either. And trophies must come from Main lobby lol. No this isn't so I can just have someone to hangout with, it's just an incentive lol.

So let me know who's down. Prize includes: Plane ticket to Philadelphia Being shown around the city hotspots Shelter A Home cooked meal Three day stay Oh I'll buy your bus fare because I take public transportation around the city because it's easier. So who's all in?

over 9 years
i didnt think we had to send pms. i thought the op meant it was for all of us to run for the trophy. well i can see that you dont want me to have it, so nvm. because i see no reason for you to deny when i totally won. wouldnt have run if i didnt want to.

i did comment in this thread siding with this offer and asking others to not treat you badly calling this thread trollish or bad.

pranay7744Mar 16, 2015+1
i am sure she is serious. Dont ask such questions guys. She is doing such an amazing thing and you guys are just trolling her. How do you think she will feel?

@wake- you should tell the truth instead of finding a way of shrugging me off. the truth is that you wouldnt have given it to me anyway.
almost 10 years

Giga13 says

ftr i'm bi just throwing that out there @pranay

almost 10 years
why not take me to film a music video
almost 10 years

omfg. you have until june 15th. Yes I do have a puppy now hehehe. He's bad asf hahaha.

Spolier Alert: I choose Apostasy to take the trip LMAO

almost 10 years
so theres absolutely 0% chance i win enough trophies to win this contest but youre cute, your friends cute. I say you forget about this contest and invite me and my boy dextromethorphan to party for the weekend!
almost 10 years
Pranay is Always On Top
almost 10 years
pranay's good at finding out who's gay

he likes to hold "hammer" for a reason
deletedalmost 10 years
w8 since when is jazz gay?
deletedalmost 10 years

panthero says

whine all you want guys. I won this thing. if not a ticket to philly, then i chose who gets the ticket. and i wont be choosing giga or jazz or supernova. giga and jazz are gay, so wakemup will be disappointed. supernova is too important an asset for epicmafia to be killed by wakemeup. i am willing to send one of the mods for their selfless service to this site.

deletedalmost 10 years
wake has a dog now btw and he is really adorable
almost 10 years
I have materials to blackmail Pranay. if you guys have any trouble and he wants too much just contact me.
almost 10 years
ftr i'm bi just throwing that out there @pranay
almost 10 years
Wait I'm gay? Damnit I never knew
almost 10 years

speedrunner says

panthero says

2- Since the trip from India to Philadelphia is very costly, I am gonna give her a way out. She needs someone to hang out with. So I will take in applications of others who want to go. I will ask for something in return. (not money)

Pranay invites Giga to sit down at a table while Giga's rolling his eyes at how stupid this is and what kind of favor Pranay wants out of him. He'd been excited at the prospect of a trip to Philly, but Pranay wasn't always the most... reasonable person.

"I'm willing to give you the trip to Philadelphia, but on one condition. While you're there, you have a mission." Pranay sets a camera on the table and slides it towards Giga.

"You want me to take pictures?"

"Of Wakemeupxo. Nudes."


"And to make sure you take them, you have to give me your account while you're there. You can have it back once I have the pictures."

Giga, after a moment of silence, flips the table onto Pranay and breaks the camera. "You shouldn't have done that, Pranay," he said grimly, pulling out a knife he'd brought for self defense. "You messed with the wrong horse."

hooooly lol
almost 10 years

panthero says

whine all you want guys. I won this thing. if not a ticket to philly, then i chose who gets the ticket. and i wont be choosing giga or jazz or supernova. giga and jazz are gay, so wakemup will be disappointed. supernova is too important an asset for epicmafia to be killed by wakemeup. i am willing to send one of the mods for their selfless service to this site.

deletedalmost 10 years
send bell shes a 9/10 and will attract hot Philly guys
deletedalmost 10 years

panthero says

whine all you want guys. I won this thing. if not a ticket to philly, then i chose who gets the ticket. and i wont be choosing giga or jazz or supernova. giga and jazz are gay, so wakemup will be disappointed. supernova is too important an asset for epicmafia to be killed by wakemeup. i am willing to send one of the mods for their selfless service to this site.

deletedalmost 10 years

panthero says

whine all you want guys. I won this thing. if not a ticket to philly, then i chose who gets the ticket. and i wont be choosing giga or jazz or supernova. giga and jazz are gay, so wakemup will be disappointed. supernova is too important an asset for epicmafia to be killed by wakemeup. i am willing to send one of the mods for their selfless service to this site.

almost 10 years
whine all you want guys. I won this thing. if not a ticket to philly, then i chose who gets the ticket. and i wont be choosing giga or jazz or supernova. giga and jazz are gay, so wakemup will be disappointed. supernova is too important an asset for epicmafia to be killed by wakemeup. i am willing to send one of the mods for their selfless service to this site.
almost 10 years
damn....think about this essentially invited the biggest nerd on EM to hang out with you.
almost 10 years

panthero says

2- Since the trip from India to Philadelphia is very costly, I am gonna give her a way out. She needs someone to hang out with. So I will take in applications of others who want to go. I will ask for something in return. (not money)

Pranay invites Giga to sit down at a table while Giga's rolling his eyes at how stupid this is and what kind of favor Pranay wants out of him. He'd been excited at the prospect of a trip to Philly, but Pranay wasn't always the most... reasonable person.

"I'm willing to give you the trip to Philadelphia, but on one condition. While you're there, you have a mission." Pranay sets a camera on the table and slides it towards Giga.

"You want me to take pictures?"

"Of Wakemeupxo. Nudes."


"And to make sure you take them, you have to give me your account while you're there. You can have it back once I have the pictures."

Giga, after a moment of silence, flips the table onto Pranay and breaks the camera. "You shouldn't have done that, Pranay," he said grimly, pulling out a knife he'd brought for self defense. "You messed with the wrong horse."
almost 10 years
It's written it doesn't matter what kind of trophy it is so... Jazz, Giga13, you and I are good so far.
almost 10 years
you dont have gold and silver, you have silver and silver.

@giga- even i can win this round, can't i? pay me protection money if u dont want me to run.
almost 10 years

panthero says

SuperNova says

I won this because I have more points than Pranay.

her criteria is number of trophies. and i beat you at that. and since jazz tied me on number of trophies, the tie will be broken between me and jazz ( total points- as it is the most logical and nearest to her criteria)

We both have two trophies. So you don't beat me...
almost 10 years
Me or jazz can win this round

if i win i'll use the trip. i changed my mind lol