pogoster makes it hilarious
Sims says nominating pogoster for this poll mental illness is NOT funny
deleted over 9 years
jackattack123 is the funniest user on Epicmafia.
tehfreda is a weirdo and doesn't deserve anything
deleted over 9 years
How did I forget GrossDude? That guy was hilarious.
nominating pogoster for this poll
deleted over 9 years
Don't be mean to Tay when she's not even here. It's unnecessary and excessive she is good people
vifam is an acquired taste
deleted over 9 years
i always thought vifam was really boring, never got the appeal
deleted over 9 years
the only poll alise would win is "most basic" and even that's only because gingie left
alise says why can't i choose alise? alise says UM this poll is broken Sims says i think there's a good reason for that this is for funniest user, not most random monkey cheese user
deleted over 9 years
ifls says terezi/vifam circa 2011 terezi was the steve-o of epicmafia
he was funny on a surface level but once you realized he was just doing the same weird stuff over and over it became progressively less funny and more sad
deleted over 9 years
Step aside
Don't know even 1 of those, but I bet they all kinda suck.
i think there's a good reason for that
why can't i choose alise?
FrancoisK 47mon 1d Here is a strategy for you: Don't post. ahh the good ol' days
Laexio and I have come to an agreement where future threads pertaining to the banning of Riddler will be placed in the newly formed "Ban Riddler" forum. grossdude was a funny dude with a sense of humor that's hard to replicate
Lashka says Fronz/Mood/GrossDude. these guys gave me solid giggles
deleted over 9 years
Maybe my opinion of KHNM was swayed because of his cringeworthy public conversations with b00ty