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What roles to be reincluded

over 9 years

Sandbox has a default setup. The default setup has roles. Some roles were removed or not included in the first place. What roles would you like to see included in the setup.

What roles would you like included in the sandbox default setup
Creepy Girl
naive+paranoid cops
over 9 years
Guys we should just all use The Setup to Endo them all. Who the hell cares about the official sanbox setup when you can use other ones!
over 9 years

yoyoyorlozer says


over 9 years
over 9 years
invis is . All of these are bad except patho
over 9 years
Invisible is most fun out of listed
Creepy girl is bad because more instant wins than clockmaker.
Siren is fun, could be readded.
Villager is bad because it's boring and this is sandbox.
Pathologist is an odd fit, but not bad.
Suspect and miller are too confusing for sandbox games, where it could be any role.
Naive and paranoid cops are garbage roles.
Host is what I assume to be a joke on this poll.
If I wanted to play Nilla, I would go into "main".
lmao mortician
over 9 years
Invisi is really conditional, non meeting maf happen or after 1-2 maf deaths you're useless.
over 9 years
invisi man is honestly one of the best roles esp once maf finds out there's one in game and that one idiot always slips up at night
over 9 years
>host in sandbox setup more like pass it around until everyone in the game becomes blue
deletedover 9 years
I quite liked invis man
over 9 years
where's quack, we need to bring back quack
over 9 years
over 9 years

mafhere says

Don't take out LK, what will I claimed virgin with other than baker then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

over 9 years
Don't take out LK, what will I claimed virgin with other than baker then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
deletedover 9 years
We need the invisible man back, he's the only role I can really relate to. Besides the crier, of course.
over 9 years
I think the custom role tinkerer could be pretty neat.

The one that guns itself if not visited, and guns killer if killed, I mean.
over 9 years
vote creepygirl for one night games
over 9 years
invisible man is pro
take out LK tbh, LK is trash
over 9 years
War Demon must get in a setup
over 9 years
Siren for best role! Too OP Pls nerf
over 9 years
I like host. Or creepy girl.
deletedover 9 years
please bring back invisi
over 9 years
top bump