deletedalmost 10 years
when i get past this grind with great fortitude i shall look back and smile at moments such as this one, today.
deletedalmost 10 years
thank you.
deletedalmost 10 years
Smile at the gods, buddy. Keep your head high. You'll reign; - once more.
deletedalmost 10 years
an autopilot mode, which i can turn on at a whim, that makes posts and performs night actions should be introduced. i'm sure it'll change the complexion of the game of mafia for the better
deletedalmost 10 years
i'm aggressively attempting to claw back eht motivation to play a game of mafia, or maybe two. but alas—it's not to be.
deletedalmost 10 years
Agreed, it's boring.
Not to mention dawn start + high town point payout + protective role makes it easy to run on.
I don't see why everyone hates the framer setup. With a guaranteed clear d1, a mostly guaranteed report d2 which can clear someone theoretically for lylo, it isn't really a difficult setup.
Nobody joins pk so im not running
It's because the winners comp'd bad setups.
deletedalmost 10 years
Maybe its because there isn't a true sheep the clear setup this round except for basic framer, because any clear that claims and demands self votes is getting killed the next night
deletedalmost 10 years
Maybe you're having bad luck with tables. I've had a positive experience this round and STBS is a great setup to run on
deletedalmost 10 years
Like I said my experiences have been positive but I also leave games that I know will be awful
deletedalmost 10 years
i don't know how to explain it, there's this never before seen need for tables to be filled with at least a few semi competent players that won't make you want to shoot your brains out mid game. i'm not saying the setups are bad but they are most certainly an awful fit with the players playing this round.
deletedalmost 10 years
The biggest complaint with this round is that the setups are mechanically boring but if you're playing for the sake of mechanics you're doing it wrong anyway
deletedalmost 10 years
I've honestly had nothing but decent to good games this round
I mean, that sample size is like 15 games, but they've all been super palatable. Maybe I just prefer 7/8p setups now, there's less variance in player ability, games fill faster, bads are easier to dodge, etc
deletedalmost 10 years
this was a bad round, complemented with an even worse round thread.
hilarious game turns into one that I think shows the highest level of play for this round: round will end soon and the round thread will still be incomplete and suck
deletedalmost 10 years
free back 2 gun school
deletedalmost 10 years
hi foxie
pretty sure you have to be in comp to play comp