I think an issue needs to be addressed here on EM. Connor/Hibiki/NONON reports people way too much for really stupid reasons. I only bring this up because I was curious and searched his name in the reports. It is ridiculous how many times he has reported people because he lost a game for bad plays etc. Please participate in my poll and if your name is Connor/Hibiki/nonon do not participate.
Also of note, he grovels for mods to speed judge his reports in the round discussion, which is just shameful.
Also of note, Connor will probably report me for this discussion topic.
Does Connor Report too much for really stupid reasons?
the only bad part about connor in reports is that he'll comment on reports that do not involve him, but sammie does that too and no one complains about her
Cash that is fine that he won a trophy. I have nothing against that. what I am against is his inability to accept a loss without thinking someone GT/Grudgelynched/Trolled etc etc
I don't and never have found anything wrong with Connor's reports both as a mod and a non-mod. Could you perhaps link any reports you'd consider as such in the OP?