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You're all beautiful

almost 10 years

I just want to thank you all and remind each and every one of you that you are beautiful, kind people.

Please spread love.

I love you all.

almost 10 years
I just want to say thank you to all of you that were concerned about me. I am really sorry for worrying you all.

I'm going through a lot in life right now and I haven't been happy in a very long time. I have been suffering from depression and bipolar disorder since I was 16 years old. The last five years I have not been on any medication but I have been self medicating in very dangerous ways. I was not trying to be over-dramatic or anything, I just really do not see a light at the end my tunnel as of right now.

I promise that I will get help and I want to be normal again. I am very sorry if I caused any trouble or burden and I do love and appreciate you . I mean that. You are all beautiful people with a golden light inside. Please continue to spread that light during your journey in life.

Thank you and I hope to play/talk to you all soon.
deletedalmost 10 years
let's be
deletedalmost 10 years
G-Oak Day Save
deletedalmost 10 years

kittykeri says

can yo check your pms

IS everything ok ,my god
deletedalmost 10 years
I love you wake. Add me on Skype plz
almost 10 years
this doesn't need to be stickied
almost 10 years
wake add me on skype gigaxiii and we'll talk before midnight
almost 10 years
uguuu but you are too!!!
deletedalmost 10 years

Sims says

nobody on this site or on the internet in general is genuinely evil, except for maybe abc

I mostly agree.
deletedalmost 10 years
Sticky this thread and heavily moderate it for negativity, imo
deletedalmost 10 years

Sims says

nobody on this site or on the internet in general is genuinely evil, except for maybe abc

almost 10 years
nobody on this site or on the internet in general is genuinely evil, except for maybe abc
almost 10 years
Wake, you're one of the nicest people i've met on the site, I was able to have a really nice conversation with you right when i met you for the first time. i hope we can talk more, i'd love to get to know you
almost 10 years
Your lovely and amazing and beautiful and wonderful
almost 10 years
I love you so much
almost 10 years
no u
deletedalmost 10 years
Please remember, all of you, that you all matter to us. Sure we're a bunch of sweaty nerds who yell at others for petty mafia related reasons, but when it comes to personal safety and health, you're one of us. Remember that life is a very valuable thing and none of us take it lightly.

Regardless if we're on the internet or not, we are your friends.
deletedalmost 10 years
We love you wake
almost 10 years
Yes, EM is a very kind, beautiful community. Absolutely. I'm not being sarcastic. How could you think such a thing? No.
almost 10 years
Awwee thank you! Right back at you!:3
deletedalmost 10 years
Chandi please answer me on skype. Let's talk.
deletedalmost 10 years
can yo check your pms
almost 10 years
wakemeupxo is the sweetest girl. Always making people smile ~
deletedalmost 10 years
hi wake
deletedalmost 10 years
no u