appleofmyeye says Rutab says I am ending this here. It is done. ok that was actually messed up. if she's trying to keep it a secret alt, you don't go and post proof. i was just kidding but its a secret alt. you should probably delete that. BlackBattler: Richard Yeung Shlapdatbass: William "Will" Bass-hitter Fine. That was messed up, if someone wants a secret alt don't tell anyone just because you know. I'm giving up at this stupid charade, I was Greece, and I self deleted.
deleted almost 10 years
Rutab says I am ending this here. It is done. ok that was actually messed up. if she's trying to keep it a secret alt, you don't go and post proof. i was just kidding but its a secret alt. you should probably delete that.
BlackBattler: Richard Yeung
Shlapdatbass: William "Will" Bass-hitter
deleted almost 10 years
I am ending this here. It is done.
deleted almost 10 years
@appleofmyeye First name: First 2 letters are right on, last letter is correct. Last name: Not even close.
deleted almost 10 years
Rutab says I have a PM from ChitoseSakuraba expressing that she is Greece lmao
I just wanted Rutab to stop harassing me about it so I told him that I was her so I could be left alone. It's fine to believe it though, whatever helps you sleep at night.
deleted almost 10 years
BearGuru: James Bearface Jaleb: Jacob Lesbian kittykeri: Katy Perry Rutab: Nick (i know your last name but :x) Caroline: Caroline (i know your last name but :x) Retti: Ready Freddy Miki: Kerry Berry CrystalBall: Boo Nintendo AregVrt: Greg Vart Jackhammer: Basil (i know your last name but :x) Calvin: Calvin [Redacted]star Lucciano: Sophia Lucia Greece: Chitose Sakurababa Neon129: Neo N129
Jackhammer says If you didn't know and nobody else on the site knew I'd probably be the most difficult one here NGL. come at me
deleted almost 10 years
I have a PM from ChitoseSakuraba expressing that she is Greece
deleted almost 10 years
I was unaware Rutab knew everything. Even then, Rutab, your sources of knowledge are flawed.
deleted almost 10 years
Calvin says Chitose Correct
deleted almost 10 years
Guess again
deleted almost 10 years
deleted almost 10 years
Guess mine
deleted almost 10 years
True, but given there are barely any other Greeks on this website, it wouldn't be easy.
deleted almost 10 years
Lashka says I cc that, bro. Nah man your name's probably not as rare in Greece as mine is to Arabs
deleted almost 10 years
I cc that, bro.
deleted almost 10 years
If you didn't know and nobody else on the site knew I'd probably be the most difficult one here NGL.
deleted almost 10 years
I can guess all of their names Bears don't have names. Jaleb Keri Cows don't have names too Carrot(You said caroline is not real) Miki Mouse Retti Ball Lucca
deleted almost 10 years
Lol guess mine >_> <_<
Try me, there's no possible way you'll get it.
deleted almost 10 years