I have had many dreadful nights to say the least (at one point I was even an insomniac) but as I grew up I learned to get better at controlling my mind and now I get very good sleep with many pleasant dreams every night. I'm not joking when I say I have six, maybe seven bad dreams a year now? And they aren't even really bad lol
if i find myself getting sad/angry/happy for no real reason (or by simply thinking of certain things) when it's late then i use that as an indicator that it's time to go to bed
does anyone have anything like this happen with them?
UNIVERSITY of Toronto at Scarborough, also the home of the 2015 PAN-AM and Para PAN-AM Games, so I get to use the entire workout facilities for free for life because I'm a student at UofT. It was rated the best workout facility in all of North America. It's brand new and it is literally the most blessed workout center that I have ever seen, and in half of the world at least and it's 10min away from my home by driving
i opened a high-interst tfsa last month and forgot to put 90% of my money in it so i lost a potential month's worth of interest from that account darn it
I haven't eaten anything all day because I haven't had time to eat anythig and I don't eat in the mornings if I wake up late and I've been in class all day ad it's TO OMUCH