almost 10 years


Hello. A select bit of mods have been deliberating for a while on how to improve the forum experience, and we've discussed the idea of implementing Forum Rules. This is something that we want to include the community in, so your feedback/opinions are worthwhile.

Here's a rough draft for what we have in mind.

  • Every subforum that isnt OT is going to be moderated more heavily for off-topic posts, and moderators will reserve the right to delete your post. Don't ruin threads with your banter, go to OT for that.

  • We're going to try and be harder about flaming/harassment on the forums. We want to try and make the place more friendly and while it might be a bit of a change we're asking that you be patient with us and what we have in mind is merely things to be discussed.

  • Negative and constructive criticism is fine. We're not going to silence your opinion for disagreeing or being abrasive, just never make it personal. That's all we ask. We understand that mafia is a competitive game at it's nature and that things are bound to get heated, but that doesn't mean we have to let things get out of control.

  • Trolling will be treated as the same as trolling in-game. A user has a right to report you if he believes that you are trolling them or their thread. Punishments will be handed out accordingly after we readjust what the repercussions will be for forum trolling.

  • OT will be moderated lightly, and GD will be at the discretion of the person making the topic. All rules are going to be in effect for all other subforums.

All mods reserve to delete your posts if they are off-topic.

Ok, make all your OT comments here and feel free to recreate a thread everytime you feel like making an OT comment there.

These rules are: