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Epicmafia Survey: Results

deletedover 9 years

Thanks for participating in the survey. It's very important to the mod team to get your feedback and understand what you would to see change.

Mods reserve the right to delete your posts if it is off-topic or not relevant to the discussion at hand.

over 9 years

Nitroxium says

Change mods modding own reports, it's urgent

This. The amount of stupid, unnecessary reports is silly.
over 9 years

Nitroxium says

gennehfarrxD says

ballsy says

When are the changes coming?

which one are you looking forward to?

or dreading, i guess

Change mods modding own reports, it's urgent

over 9 years

gennehfarrxD says

ballsy says

When are the changes coming?

which one are you looking forward to?

or dreading, i guess

Change mods modding own reports, it's urgent
over 9 years

GuiltyTownie says

Wouldn't people catch up to which avis are the no avi avis regardless?

Lynch the DeafultAvis!
over 9 years
if we get rid of noavis i might have to end my longterm relationship with policytime
over 9 years
not sure. i don't even know if sandbox would be affected by changes though?
deletedover 9 years

gennehfarrxD says

ballsy says

When are the changes coming?

which one are you looking forward to?

or dreading, i guess

I'm not sure. Which changes are coming?
over 9 years

ballsy says

When are the changes coming?

which one are you looking forward to?

or dreading, i guess
deletedover 9 years
When are the changes coming?
over 9 years
bugs: cannot be fixed right now but will be mentioned to lucid.

mods modding own reports only happens if the mod sees something that breaks a rule. if you feel it's unfair you should appeal and then another mod will look at it but you don't usually get reported by a mod unless your rule-breaking is super evident.

gallery: cute idea but can only be implemented by lucid at this point.
over 9 years
"if it matters, my username is terranclay. i saw something on the forum about fraudulent survey answers so yeah!"-some idiot who took the survey
over 9 years

i agree
deletedover 9 years
Psy, I think we can all understand that not everyone will grow up, and situations will always arise. There's always someone in the community to pick on, even if it's jokingly, so it's best to try and find the best solution.

I agree with the idea that Guilty has, just give them an option to upload an avatar while signing up, but if that's not possible the pre-chosen avvies could range from tens to hundreds(depending how much mods are willing to put time into it), if that's of course less troublesome then changing how you can sign up(of course, it would be optional since not everyone would be able too), but I think that this may be one of the largest continuous problem on Epic Mafia, that noavis are constantly pointed out as noobs and are undesirables in the epic mafia world. People will still be noobs, people still will be rude, but if Epic Mafia takes a step to try and change things then I think that things will change overall for the better under the category of feeling welcomed in the site.
over 9 years
Wouldn't people catch up to which avis are the no avi avis regardless? Clearly the solution is to give users the option to upload an avatar when signing up tbh.
over 9 years

Jimbei says

I think that you guys should have a gallery of random simple images(like a dog, or maybe a cute little cupcake), and make it so noavis are randomly assigned a avi. I know it sounds dumb, but the noavi hate is not going to die, and it would be much harder to tell who's a noavi and who's not. It causes users to be bias in ranked games and unranked in main lobby, and a cause for harassment if they're not kicked and ostracism in sandbox, and don't even know what they're doing wrong. I know it sounds dumb, but if there's a similar solution to this that discards the simple term of noavi, then I think that more users will feel welcome on the site, since users can't pick easy targets on who to pick on just because they're new.

maybe users on this site should grow up lol
but ye thats. a good idea
deletedover 9 years
jimbae has such a good idea
deletedover 9 years
I think that you guys should have a gallery of random simple images(like a dog, or maybe a cute little cupcake), and make it so noavis are randomly assigned a avi. I know it sounds dumb, but the noavi hate is not going to die, and it would be much harder to tell who's a noavi and who's not. It causes users to be bias in ranked games and unranked in main lobby, and a cause for harassment if they're not kicked and ostracism in sandbox, and don't even know what they're doing wrong. I know it sounds dumb, but if there's a similar solution to this that discards the simple term of noavi, then I think that more users will feel welcome on the site, since users can't pick easy targets on who to pick on just because they're new.
over 9 years
I'm sure you probably hear this all the time but can we for real do SOMETHING about the suicide bug that stops people from voting sometimes when a person suis. I mean if it can't be fixed I understand but I'd at least like to know it can't be fixed instead of wondering when it will be... Thank you in advance for answering. (^_^) Side note: I don't think mods should make judgements on their own reports...
over 9 years
Fak u -Associate was the best thing that you should've been let known.
over 9 years
I felt accepted in the community in the start
Strongly Agree 27 10%
Agree 46 17%
Neutral 60 22%
Disagree 62 23%
Strongly Disagree 73 27%

a quarter of us were never noavis