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Epicmafia Survey

over 9 years

Hello Sandbox!

We are currently conducting a survey to involve the community in changes that could happen to the site. Please take the time to fill out this short form and give us your feedback.

Thank you in advance!

deletedover 9 years
Survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.
over 9 years

tomaz0 says

You should add the option "no experience with" for the mentoring program question. Because there is a difference between having no experience with the mentoring program and not being positive nor negative about it... Now people will vote neutral for both instances.

true but it's kind of late for that now >.>

thanks for taking the survey though!
over 9 years
You should add the option "no experience with" for the mentoring program question. Because there is a difference between having no experience with the mentoring program and not being positive nor negative about it... Now people will vote neutral for both instances.
deletedover 9 years
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over 9 years
This wouldve been nice if i didnt have to make a gmail account specially for it >.>
deletedover 9 years
in that case I guess it's deliberately not in sandbox, so I don't mind
over 9 years

gennehfarrxD says

tricksterer says

it still doesn't say how to get married though, like i know the basics are mentioned but that doesn't help some specific stuff. like if that guide could be updated with more detail

so you're saying something like a more descriptive guide to the social aspects of the site?

yes!! that would be really awesome :~)
over 9 years
Save Games Lobby.
over 9 years

Veerat says

I only play in sandbox so I don't know if this already exists for other lobbies, but I would like to see some kind of temporary punishment for suing. It's rarely ever used because someone genuinely needs to go, nine times out of ten it's because the person was losing, wanted to prove what role they are (which unfairly destroys any careful lies mafia or thirds have been weaving), or in some cases deliberately wanted to break the game out of spite by suing during the day.

I think a 5 or 10 minute ban from joining games for suing would be a strong enough deterrent to stop the casual suier who expects he can just selfishly leave one game and immediately join another without any regard for the impact this had on the game he left.

if you suicide in ranked (red/gold heart) games you have to wait 10 minutes before joining another game. if you wanted to implement this in unranked though you'd have to talk to lucid because it would probably have to be coded in.
over 9 years
I only play in sandbox so I don't know if this already exists for other lobbies, but I would like to see some kind of temporary punishment for suing. It's rarely ever used because someone genuinely needs to go, nine times out of ten it's because the person was losing, wanted to prove what role they are (which unfairly destroys any careful lies mafia or thirds have been weaving), or in some cases deliberately wanted to break the game out of spite by suing during the day.

I think a 5 or 10 minute ban from joining games for suing would be a strong enough deterrent to stop the casual suier who expects he can just selfishly leave one game and immediately join another without any regard for the impact this had on the game he left.
over 9 years

tricksterer says

it still doesn't say how to get married though, like i know the basics are mentioned but that doesn't help some specific stuff. like if that guide could be updated with more detail

so you're saying something like a more descriptive guide to the social aspects of the site?
over 9 years

Rutab says

tricksterer says

the most important change should be that it should be renamed epic dik-dik dot com

ok actual change i would like to request? can someone make a guide on how to do things like edit your profile, edit your account settings, change family/relationship status etc

cos when i was first em married i didn't know how to do it and it took like four people to get it all figured out and i actually do not know how to propose marriage to someone

thats all

it still doesn't say how to get married though, like i know the basics are mentioned but that doesn't help some specific stuff. like if that guide could be updated with more detail
over 9 years
Split the mods into two teams, one to handle main lobby game violations (who cares), the other to handle harassment reports. The game violation team should not interfere with the harassment violation team and vice versa.
over 9 years
replace lucid with foxie
deletedover 9 years

tricksterer says

the most important change should be that it should be renamed epic dik-dik dot com

ok actual change i would like to request? can someone make a guide on how to do things like edit your profile, edit your account settings, change family/relationship status etc

cos when i was first em married i didn't know how to do it and it took like four people to get it all figured out and i actually do not know how to propose marriage to someone

thats all
over 9 years
the most important change should be that it should be renamed epic dik-dik dot com

ok actual change i would like to request? can someone make a guide on how to do things like edit your profile, edit your account settings, change family/relationship status etc

cos when i was first em married i didn't know how to do it and it took like four people to get it all figured out and i actually do not know how to propose marriage to someone

thats all
over 9 years
Ya'll should keep tabs on the number of views this thread has. There is no reason the amount of people who conduct a survey reaches higher then the view this thread has, Especially unique views.
over 9 years

Veerat says

hello where do I see the results

Results will be released once we get a good number of responses, so hopefully in a few days.
deletedover 9 years
I think moderators should all be on the same page about what is violation worthy and what isn't.
over 9 years
hello where do I see the results
deletedover 9 years
We're unlocking this topic to discuss the survey in the OP. All off-topic posts will be deleted. Keep it civil please.