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Sandbox countries

deletedover 9 years

As suggested by Gio in my previous thread, let's try and sort out Sandbox. Lets see if this takes off or not. xP

Sandbox is a wide and vast territory, spreading all across a small wooden area filled with sand for little kids to play in. But in the sand is various countries from various universes. From RPG castles to tumblr memes, these countries do not have to make sense, all they need is a name.

Creativity is key. You can just list the countries just to open them up for idea. Like what if Chris's butt was a country name. What kind of people would live there? Do any people live there? Why would someone name it Chris's butt? Did they see his butt before?

Go into as much or as little detail as you see fit you're sandbox I can't tell you what to do

When do you sleep
Whenever you're going baby
When my eyes close
When I need to convince the cops I'm not a robot
When the sun goes down
When the sun comes up
When my parents/friends question my health
deletedover 9 years
Fufu Island where all the fufu's are jailed by Chris and have to escape D:
over 9 years
i have my own castle that is built in the shape of a heart and in the middle is a menagerie of animals and galaxies has her own observatory
deletedover 9 years

Hateyon says

pleasure island, a land where everyone knows THE PLEASURE OF BEING C*MMED INSIDE . its the only country in sandbonks

s-sensor yourself there are children here!
over 9 years
pleasure island, a land where everyone knows THE PLEASURE OF BEING CUMMED INSIDE . its the only country in sandbonks
over 9 years
In 117 AD, the Great Hyrulian Empire was at its greatest extent, with the land of Pokémon as just its toy. In 476 AD, all of the outer tribes and civilizations have finally damaged the great empire, with Pokémon finally reestablished. Only the East Hyrulian empire stood, named the Hyzantine Empire. Hyzantine stood until its fall in 1453 AD. Lombard city-states of Kinoly established after the fall of the Westen Hyrulian empire, but political fragmentations occurred and then the city-states entered into what was called the Kinolian Wars (1294 AD). But by the help of Hyzantine, a powerful half of the country emerged, under the name of Twirulia. Back into the fall of Hyzantine, Twirulia rebelled against the other half of what was left of Kinoly. Then Kinoly was no more. Twirulia then named itself Hyrulia, after the olden Hyrule. Pokémon and Hyrulia entered into war in 1549 due to want of more territory. The war supposedly ended in 1725, but constant battles still occurred at the city coasts of the clashing territories. Only until the peace treaty of 1776, have both kingdoms entered a calm time. After the peace treaty, Hyrulia renamed itself Hyrule, as a tribute to what was supposed to be the dream of their past. But the peace didn't last, and in 1939 an evil dictator named Ganon tried to remake the great territory that Hyrule once had. But failed miserably, as the great Linked Nations have foiled his attempts and Ganon killing himself in a bunker in 1945. Pokémon and Hyrule still had some bad blood and threatened to ruin each other's countries and entered The Ice War. Whoever first causes trouble, both the countries will be destroyed.
over 9 years
Games Lobby should be the Atlantis of Sandbox or something.

And there should be two small neighboring countries at war, called Pokémon and Hyrule.

Pokémon originated in 150 BC (Before Chris), when the Pokémen started out as a clan, first being a mixed race of Furasians and Hoodans migrating to a new land. Hyrulians were long since established, and they gave a small territory of land to the Pokémen, so long as they payed taxes. Then they formed a civilization What they didn't know was their hidden advanced war technology. After a few decades, the Pokémen had conquered the whole West Coast of Hyrule. And since then, they've forever been at war. They have entered a peace treaty in 1776 AD (After Death), but nearly two centuries after, the Hyrulians broke the peace treaty (in 1939 AD) and now they're in something known as The Ice War.

Hyrule originated in 240 BC, but before was known as different state-cities under a fiefdom. Particular origin of Hyrule isn't known, but of two legends. One legend states that two twins were thrown to the river Siber by the liege of the fiefdom, but were saved by the goddess Nayru and then raised by wolves. After, the twins Link and Zeldo were taken care of by a shepherd. The shepherd's land was late in paying taxes and the liege came to take away their land. The liege, not aware of Link and Zeldo's wellness, was then killed by Link riding a white bull. Zeldo was shocked, and told Link that killing was not the answer. Then Zeldo and Link entered an argument, and were not aware of an immense crowd covering them because of the liege's welcomed death. Link said "I should be king of this land." And everybody cheered. Zeldo was against the idea, and then Link lost his temper. Link killed Zeldo and gained control of all the city-states and formed it into an empire. The second legend had to do with some heroic thing done by a guy called Marius, but that legend is overrated.
over 9 years
I live in the country of Main Lobby! I will write more about it later.
deletedover 9 years
I live behind your drier

I'm the guy that takes only one sock
deletedover 9 years
The hood, where only the best of us can be
deletedover 9 years
games lobby, a faraway land where noone dares to cross
over 9 years
Illuminatopia, an illuminati ploy run by reptillians.