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Whatever Wants You

deletedover 9 years

Find out what wants you, here, in this thread. I will search for the thing that is searching for you, and your search will be over.

deletedover 9 years

keri says

apeescaper says

i'm friends with sonseray so i can't be a mod or he'll hate me

just buy him a pizza

Tip: do this for me and I will love you too
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

i'm friends with sonseray so i can't be a mod or he'll hate me

just buy him a pizza
deletedover 9 years
I was a mod and Sonseray called me a good mod and a cool dude so anything really is possible
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

i'm friends with sonseray so i can't be a mod or he'll hate me

keri can fix this
over 9 years
i'm friends with sonseray so i can't be a mod or he'll hate me
deletedover 9 years
haha just kidding im not a mod
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

Empire says

apeescaper says

do me

the mod team

is this true mods

over 9 years

Empire says

apeescaper says

do me

the mod team

is this true mods
deletedover 9 years
people wanna talk about ferguson or homo rights when tehre are dog alts out there
deletedover 9 years
come on bill who wouldn't make an alt of my cute lil precious muffin

deletedover 9 years
Shut up Bill Stickers
deletedover 9 years
is it better or worse if someone else made an alt for your dog instead of you making an alt for your dog
deletedover 9 years

apeescaper says

do me

the mod team
deletedover 9 years
that's weareking
deletedover 9 years is this some elaborate metajoke
deletedover 9 years

Edark says

Who wants me

clg as their new jungler because xmithie is a well regarded jungle main and using him makes no sense
deletedover 9 years
holy heck did keri really make an alt for her dog
over 9 years

Edark says

Who wants me

I can answer that one for you.

Empire himself.
over 9 years
do me
over 9 years
Who wants me
deletedover 9 years

keri says

what about me what he really wants isn't a new mod team or a new place for competitive mafia, what he really wants is an escape from it all, a fiery, passionate romance to make him forget his painful past

you are this escape, this person who shows him the beauty of the world

it's you, keri
deletedover 9 years
what about me
deletedover 9 years
Thanks a lot. I've only been granted $7,000 a year in scholarships, but whatever. It was the only school I applied to and I got accepted. Lmao.
deletedover 9 years

BillTokers says

i want to smock some weed

your weed dealer is waiting in anguish for the call
deletedover 9 years
Also congratulations, for some reason I thought I remembered you saying you were still applying. That entire process was the most stressful thing I've experienced in my entire life (Then again it was also the culmination of a 13 year dream for me) so congrats on coming out of it with dreams intact.