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Demod Jericho Now

deletedalmost 10 years

He cheated, you should probably ban him too.

Jasprar: For your convenience, the sexual harassment accusation takes place on page 25

deletedalmost 10 years
You're saying that facetiously and it's really funny, but I'm going to make a serious tryhard post right now. My usual strategy is just to be jackass so maybe I'll try making a real argument for once:

The system for picking mods has been broken from the beginning. I think at first the various admins were competitive players and the competitive players wanted to keep the current system so that we could maintain the power, but the admin is no longer a competitive player. The mod team is filled with people who are not competitive players, and a good portion of them have cheated in competitive games, account shared with users who are banned from the site, or do not even venture into competitive games. The competitive aspect of the site will not last without a drastic change to the current moderation system whether you want to admit it or not. This isn't even the first time that the mod team has been all screwed up, not even close. If we do not find a way to get good competitive players onto the mod team to moderate the competitive games, we are not going to have competitive games forever. I like to screw around on the forums while I'm on the internet, but I am largely just a member of this site for the competitive mafia. I don't give a dang about any of the rest of it really. Whether you agree with how I conduct myself most of the time or not, I really hope that people begin to recognize that there is a real problem with cheaters and sandbox players being mods if you actively play competitive mafia and want to see it thrive.
deletedalmost 10 years
Don't get too worked up. Mods are great.
Mods are wonderful. HAHAhA. We're having such happy times.
Just the thought, is hard to comprehend.
deletedalmost 10 years

Sims says

i have longest road

almost 10 years
i have longest road
deletedalmost 10 years

Slow says

not really, a lot of people disliked me as a mod for no good reason (see: caroline, justrec, etc.). sometimes the correct opinions such as ours get outweighed by a sheer numbers game.

i for one just think admins shoudl be more free form with their mod teams. by that i mean be willing to kill mods.

No good reason. That's a good one.
deletedalmost 10 years
I drank cider. it was nasty.
deletedalmost 10 years

Sims says

im spending my new years drinking Jameson and playing settlers of Catan

i never trade with people
almost 10 years
im spending my new years drinking Jameson and playing settlers of Catan
deletedalmost 10 years
IQ isnt much of the issue here as other things is it now
deletedalmost 10 years
i like it being that the admin considers the opinions of the more important em poeple such as ourselves.
deletedalmost 10 years
I've suggested IQ test before, and I was told that I was being rude.
deletedalmost 10 years
How about an IQ test
deletedalmost 10 years
Okay, an impeachment button is a horrible idea. I bet there is a good way to implement the same concept though.
deletedalmost 10 years
also, people are just going to vote for the mod that gives them violations (i.e. cheaters voting to impeach mods that give them cheating vios)
deletedalmost 10 years
I will admit it, I want some say in the matter. I think it's ridiculous that an admin who has played mostly classic mafia and fool training 3 is in charge of picking the competitive mods. I think the competitive players should be able to shape the mod team, in some way. Aside from arguably genneh (who I've never played with) and goodbar, there are no strong competitive players on the mod team, and the competitive aspect of the site will not live forever without mods that care about it.
deletedalmost 10 years
not really, a lot of people disliked me as a mod for no good reason (see: caroline, justrec, etc.). sometimes the correct opinions such as ours get outweighed by a sheer numbers game.

i for one just think admins shoudl be more free form with their mod teams. by that i mean be willing to kill mods.
deletedalmost 10 years
It could be implemented in another way. I think it's downright necessary to keep the site going past a certain point.
deletedalmost 10 years
i think we should just have sharia law and instead of impeaching mods we just stone them to death.

better solution imo
deletedalmost 10 years
Why would an admin who doesn't play competitive mafia think he's the best person to pick competitive mafia mods in the first place
deletedalmost 10 years
abc would go wild with it
deletedalmost 10 years
Why can't we have a mod impeachment button? It would be simple for Lucid to implement. It could just be a button you can click once you have a certain amount of points, and if a certain number of users vote to impeach the mod their mod keys are removed automatically. Let the admin be in charge of picking mods sure, but the admin isn't always around. The community should be able to fire its moderators in my opinion, and if that idea is implemented I think the competitive aspect of this website will be able to sustain itself longer.
deletedalmost 10 years
this thread reached 34 pages in 6 hours. he should be demodded for this alone
almost 10 years
lol tough noodles
deletedalmost 10 years

Empire says

listen apostasy, this is the COMPLAINTS forum, not the complaints forum, if you want to create a thread voicing a complaint and continue posting in your own thread about your own complaint, i'm going to have to ask you to take it somewhere else bub

I tried to tell him
deletedalmost 10 years
listen apostasy, this is the COMPLAINTS forum, not the complaints forum, if you want to create a thread voicing a complaint and continue posting in your own thread about your own complaint, i'm going to have to ask you to take it somewhere else bub