sonseray where do you live dude lets go get messed up for your 17th birthday
deletedalmost 10 years
Rutabs opinion diesnt matter because he didbt wabt to dribk today, so declareth harrild.
deletedalmost 10 years
hahahahaha i want to get hammered with sonseray
deletedalmost 10 years
I like Slow
deletedalmost 10 years
I drabk more booze thab hotrled today and thus am a superior human being on the mafia site. Haha take that I out drank you on the internet yoya freaking NERD
deletedalmost 10 years
So are you :)
deletedalmost 10 years
I'm just here to laugh.
you are really salty and widely unliked.
deletedalmost 10 years
Hi Sonseray
Did you have a fun day today?
deletedalmost 10 years
If harrold posts in this thread again I wail own him at beer bong and then hr wont be coil at epicmafia anymore because he sucks ag beer pong
deletedalmost 10 years
I'm just here to laugh.
me too. Enough trying to change epic mafia, they want to have crap politics and a crap community, so lets leave it how it is.
deletedalmost 10 years
I bet I can out drink harold irl because he seemsvlike a hiant girl who drinks mikesbhard lemonade, and si all of my opinions are correct and his ar wrong
deletedalmost 10 years
i missed unstable unhinged sonseray so much
i remember why i like you now
deletedalmost 10 years
Yesterday I was not cool onvepicnafia because I didnt dribk enough alcohol so today I drank a bunch of it HAHAHA beat you at your owb game internet netd loser cheater