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Demod Jericho Now

deletedover 9 years

He cheated, you should probably ban him too.

Jasprar: For your convenience, the sexual harassment accusation takes place on page 25

over 9 years
Let's make a thread with 100 pages for xxerox and see if that theory works in first place
deletedover 9 years

Sims says

imagine being jericho and having to deal with this. this is why you don't cheat, friends.

Imagine not stepping down after 103 pages of "go away"
over 9 years
imagine being jericho and having to deal with this. this is why you don't cheat, friends.
deletedover 9 years
This thread will stand as a disgusting monument to Jericho's legacy
deletedover 9 years
Are you gonna come back from the grave too
over 9 years

Sims says

i think you're finally getting the hang of posting, justrec

deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
wow how did you breed another 15 pages while i was looking away
over 9 years
we've done all we can. this will die now
deletedover 9 years

AsbelLhant says

I contracted a terminal illness.

over 9 years
this thread was my undoing rip me
over 9 years
I contracted a terminal illness.
over 9 years
i think you're finally getting the hang of posting, justrec
deletedover 9 years

Arcbell says

Rutab says

I'm out having a REAL LIFE right now, this Saturday night. I am on break at work and you're all wasting your nerd lives away. Man, oh man. A REAL LIFE.

Yeah but you weren't the first post on any pages so who's laughing now???

good post
over 9 years
let it die.
over 9 years
wow what the heck ? ? ?
over 9 years

Rutab says

I'm out having a REAL LIFE right now, this Saturday night. I am on break at work and you're all wasting your nerd lives away. Man, oh man. A REAL LIFE.

Yeah but you weren't the first post on any pages so who's laughing now???
deletedover 9 years
Okay guys if this post gets ten likes I'll lock this thread
deletedover 9 years

Sims says

thanks for deleting your posts to make me at the top. :)

Now edit it and erase all proof that I was true first :)
over 9 years
I'm here to cultivate the growing cancer
deletedover 9 years

Slow says

this is now officially the worst thread. stop posting or you're bad.

ur bad
over 9 years
let's migrate to retti's thread.
deletedover 9 years
this is now officially the worst thread. stop posting or you're bad.
deletedover 9 years
we have reached post overload, the poorly coded servers cannot handle the multitude of characters being displayed right now
over 9 years
thanks for deleting your posts to make me at the top. :)