I didnt even play, but i know this round should have been restarted. I mean litteraly if i was first place, i would want it restarted because its unfair to everyone. Mods know its unfair, but dont restart it because they have friends who maybe moved up to 3th or 2nd place.
This round sucks. No restart? Congratz on the user who is first place who purposly broke the game to be first place.
Shmeuraconda says xela says ever since the warriors music video by imagine dragons i've worn my hoodie when i play video games i was at an imagine dragons concert with my crush last thursday i didn't know they had others songs
deleted almost 10 years
in my dreams, i am the anime. it's me.
deleted almost 10 years
u are anime
xela says ever since the warriors music video by imagine dragons i've worn my hoodie when i play video games i was at an imagine dragons concert with my crush last thursday
deleted almost 10 years
i transcend anime
deleted almost 10 years
alise says billstickers, u need an anime avi WE ARE THE WARRIORS THAT BUILT THIS TOWN!!!!!!
ever since the warriors music video by imagine dragons i've worn my hoodie when i play video games
billstickers, u need an anime avi
deleted almost 10 years
homestuck avatars are the neck tattoos of the internet
deleted almost 10 years
xela says ahri sux no..........................
mfw my avi isnt even homestuck
catbae says keri says hi do you guys like my new avi was afraid it would be not a cat but luckily my fears were unwarranted, 10/10 ahri is actually a nine tailed fox based on korean lore hth!
deleted almost 10 years
xela says coming from a homestuck avatar that doesn't mean much LKAS:dadk;alsdASL:
coming from a homestuck avatar that doesn't mean much
what the hell happened (i love ur avi keri)
keri says hi do you guys like my new avi was afraid it would be not a cat but luckily my fears were unwarranted, 10/10
Honestly, I rather take silver/bronze then play manhunt.
deleted almost 10 years
I'll be honest, I probably won't trophy, but my score will probably be in gold tomorrow which will be awesome.
deleted almost 10 years
If I knew the round was gonna tie, I wouldn't have crammed 10 hearts as fast as I did.
deleted almost 10 years