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Ban Anime Avis

deletedalmost 10 years

its a society of users and they throw for each other. try winning a 3way against anime #smh

almost 10 years
who gave caroline the tokens to change her name
almost 10 years
Never mind
almost 10 years
Ok new kill, have ess ee ex with, and marry: mods, no avies, and anime avies. Im going to go with kill the no avie because im traditional, have ess ee ex with the anime avies and marry the mods since mods seem like good companions
deletedalmost 10 years
mods take note, the community has SPOKEN #terminate
deletedalmost 10 years
every time i see an anime avi i lose more and more brain cells pls help :(
almost 10 years
i think itll be ok
almost 10 years
I fully reject this movement.
almost 10 years
I fully support this movement.
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
Good thread, +1
almost 10 years
You can't just ban anime avies. You have to destroy them by the source. Ban connor
almost 10 years
Good suggestion
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
Is hashtag still in.
almost 10 years
this thread is NOT sugoi and kawaii.
deletedalmost 10 years
just like regular games #smh
deletedalmost 10 years
Look at all the anime team up on me
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
almost 10 years

xela says

Lido says

shut up

almost 10 years

Lido says

shut up

deletedalmost 10 years
shut up