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Katie Appreciation Thread

deletedover 10 years

Our moderating team gets a lot of stick in the Complaints Subforum.

I think it's time we show our appreciation for the mods.

Especially Katie.

Thank you for getting rid of banned user Kino once and for all.

Should Kino be banned?
over 10 years

Harrold says

over 10 years
should never have quit
over 10 years
srybut i was good mod
over 10 years
I said it first "KINO and RETTI are bad mods." 1 down 1 to go
deletedover 10 years

Jericho says

lest we forget

just incase y'all forgot
over 10 years
i was going to ask why is everyone voting no but it's just kino
deletedover 10 years
the important part here is that bronto embraced skrillex, finally
deletedover 10 years
this account is NOT an alt.
over 10 years
i'll evade and become mod on an alt just to show you guys who's boss

Let's See Who Gets Banned Then
deletedover 10 years
That is hideous.
over 10 years
that was not an altslip
over 10 years
what alts??? not my fault people like me lol
deletedover 10 years

lest we forget
deletedover 10 years
Kino you're revealing all of your alts in the 'No' poll...
deletedover 10 years
ban kino
deletedover 10 years
over 10 years
kino was only good mod..............
over 10 years