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Do you hate rap too?

over 10 years

The EM Rap




First there was a village then there was a mob,

The village hired a cop; investigating was his job.

He found a guilty mafia member,

Raged at him and lost his temper,

The maf hoe flashed, not for cash but her innocence,

Every straight and lesbo villager lost all they're common sense,


The maf were killing, the docs were saving,

The faceless non-avatars were misbehaving,

The homophobes and autism-haters,

were preying on the outcasts like alligators,

And the fool said 'you all suck',

And he won, what a good ole' schmuck!




The Hooker was afraid of the pimp called the Godfather,

She wasn't getting paid and she was hooking up with her brother,

Their IPs were whitelisted and the incest was insane,

They all called her a noob because she wasn't on her main.

Her alt was put at fault, her partner threw her under,

the bus ran over her, while her bones cracked like thunder,

A sad day it was indeed, the serial killer felt the loss,

He felt so enraged that the next night he killed her boss.




The survivor was surviving, the angel was on him,

They had united motives so the angel sang a hymn,

But the scream of a caroler and the yell of the town crier,

Pissed off the arsonist so much that he set the town on fire,

But just as he lit the match, and everybody burned,

The alien won because he'd probed the rest and a lesson was learned. 


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Do you hate rap?
This rap was dope
This dope was cRap
over 10 years
something like that!!!!!!!!!!!
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vocaroo it