I've loved germ for a long time now. I'm happy to be going to Boston to see him soon.
Goodbar says Voice says Does genneh have a pp? I didn't think so! think again shut up
I had a thing with germatron.
are u into funtari tucker cuz i could hook you up
Voice says Does genneh have a pp? I didn't think so! think again
Does genneh have a pp? I didn't think so!
deleted about 10 years
wow....who would ever think of divorcing genneh
hedger and I **** every night no joke
Voice and I, we're married irl
Cakerz says dad says Cakerz says All I have is: Jack and Caroline Lauren and lluren (?) sensory and bronto (?) Nicole and Matt Melody and Steven (I think they're dating...?) HELP GUYS I WANT TO MAKE THE THREAD!! me and laurierose Do you want me to add you guys lol Yes please. I think we have a shot.
deleted about 10 years
dad says Cakerz says All I have is: Jack and Caroline Lauren and lluren (?) sensory and bronto (?) Nicole and Matt Melody and Steven (I think they're dating...?) HELP GUYS I WANT TO MAKE THE THREAD!! me and laurierose Do you want me to add you guys lol
Cakerz says All I have is: Jack and Caroline Lauren and lluren (?) sensory and bronto (?) Nicole and Matt Melody and Steven (I think they're dating...?) HELP GUYS I WANT TO MAKE THE THREAD!! me and laurierose
deleted about 10 years
All I have is: Jack and Caroline Hedger and Voice Lauren and lluren (?) sensory and bronto (?) Nicole and Matt Melody and Steven (I think they're dating...?) LaurieRose and Dad HELP GUYS I WANT TO MAKE THE THREAD!!
QRich says Ur wrong templar my last LDR I ended up killing myself the pain missing the point
deleted about 10 years
I wish shane wasn't a RACIST.
deleted about 10 years
petition: date vancy so he can delete troublesome epicmafia users
deleted about 10 years
It's actually a Light-Dependent Resistor.
TheShane says Long distance rap battles that's racist
Long distance rap battles
deleted about 10 years
I'm starting to think that LDR doesn't mean Lana Del Rey.
Ur wrong templar my last LDR I ended up killing myself the pain
Depends on if the relationship is right or not. LDR doesn't mean anything. If two people care about each other they will make it work. If they don't, it won't work. No different than IRL.