Donut before Duty
good setup for runners
Frontier Justice 2.0
Mystery of the Stolen Purse
Lynch or be killed (LOBK)
tbh sitd is the best setup.
There were a few 420's earlier today on fool happy hour, lol.
Can someone link me the epic OGI setup that was posted somewhere a few weeks ago. I know it is very vague, but i have barely any recollection of the mechanics, except that it encouraged massive OGI and seemed hilarious to play.Also Vancy, instead of only having Gallis Hunter in between rounds, it could cycle between several other blacklisted setups, like Reverse.
TheShane says dad says TheShane says Vancy says TheShane says dad says What are those? Doritos seriously though, what the heck are those?! doritos seriOUSLY GUYS THOUGH WHAT THE HECKARE THOSE THINGS THEY'RE FREAKING ME THE HECK OUT PLEASETELL ME THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY REAL doritos
dad says TheShane says Vancy says TheShane says dad says What are those? Doritos seriously though, what the heck are those?! doritos seriOUSLY GUYS THOUGH WHAT THE HECKARE THOSE THINGS THEY'RE FREAKING ME THE HECK OUT PLEASETELL ME THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY REAL
TheShane says Vancy says TheShane says dad says What are those? Doritos seriously though, what the heck are those?! doritos
Vancy says TheShane says dad says What are those? Doritos seriously though, what the heck are those?!
TheShane says dad says What are those? Doritos
dad says What are those?