Good to sea the mod team is totally slacking. 0 reports? 0 reports last week? 0 violations given? Is htis guy just wearing the star for decoration or is he trolling? Already we get a new admin and this is hte mod team we have going on for us with this level of slacking? Incredible. Simply incredible.
* I'm supposed to pretend I'm a pretty nifty guy at the local law firm but after stacking papers for months I'm getting owned by a guy who rides on gimmicks*
Peta4m• Oh dad is Troll. That's why he's not funny
dad2m 53s Stick to medieval studies bruh, your remarks on character is seriously lacking considering you're flawed as hell.
dad1m 43s! Hey let me pay for a forum site consisted of "epic trolls" because I consider foruming a career, then let me follow up with writing a wikipedia guide for a site that I'm going to claim I don't really care about but I'll spend the next few years getting sick owns.
dad39s Peter, now it's your turn to blow everything out of perspective because you're too introverted to understand anything.
Hey let me pay for a forum site consisted of "epic trolls" because I consider foruming a career, then let me follow up with writing a wikipedia guide for a site that I'm going to claim I don't really care about but I'll spend the next few years getting sick owns.