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If in a game of mafia

about 10 years

player 1 outs as mafia and claims that player 2 is his partner

what will you do?

deletedabout 10 years
I would be the maf :p
about 10 years

arenaceous says

gg game over! i strongly believe in the carl rogers methodology that says that all humans are inherently good. would an inherently good person lie? on the internet? in a game of deception? definitely not! give those two mafiamen a chance at redemption by lynching them because confessing is the first step to healing and becoming a better person. take that win and those fake internet points like a baws because You Earned It.

about 10 years
gg game over! i strongly believe in the carl rogers methodology that says that all humans are inherently good. would an inherently good person lie? on the internet? in a game of deception? definitely not! give those two mafiamen a chance at redemption by lynching them because confessing is the first step to healing and becoming a better person. take that win and those fake internet points like a baws because You Earned It.