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The Communist Party

almost 10 years

Needicla has officially announced the creation of an improved Communist Party, where Capitalism, an evil inheritance system designed to ruin the ecosystem in which we live, for the wealth of a particular family, not giving equal opportunities for other people to gain wealth. We will redistribute wealth and we will eradicate the bourgeoisie from EpicMafia. Apply for membership using this form:

  • Name:
  • Communist branch (Maoist, Trotskyist, Luxembourgist, Marxist, Marxist-Leninist):

Workers of the world, unite!

deletedalmost 10 years
Bratja, dlya communisma! Vpered!
deletedalmost 10 years
Prefer communist to Isis. Kudos to you commies.
deletedalmost 10 years
no titoism? miserable thread.
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
:^) rebecca, marxist-leninist
deletedalmost 10 years

sweetnkind says

defecate is scared of losing his private property

deletedalmost 10 years
defecate is scared of losing his private property
deletedalmost 10 years

: )
almost 10 years
We don't take kindly to Capitalists posting on our thread.
almost 10 years
bad bad thread
almost 10 years
A worker's revolution.

Soluciones says

what is this

deletedalmost 10 years
what is this