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Official Veg Thread

almost 10 years

If someone vegs from a game, post here with their username and I'll add them to the list. Yeah that's basically it. I'll keep this as updated as possible for you guys, have fun times.


  • Uprizzle

  • SonicTheHuman

  • kittykeri

  • SteKay

  • Reamix

  • PsyGwendok

  • Bebop

  • TedTonate

  • Associate

  • Furansu

  • gistofeverything

  • AwesomestPanda

  • Nitroxium

  • DouradaGrelhada

  • sand

  • smishly

  • yoyoyorlozer

  • littlewhitey

Umm yeah that's it

How many times do you veg per day
deletedalmost 10 years
we are too cool for this list anyway
almost 10 years

carolineeee says

jackattack123 says

carolineeee says

jack suicides all the time

you got reported for it! but neither of us veg

i don't think we have ever vegged from a game

never so we don't belong on this list
deletedalmost 10 years

jackattack123 says

carolineeee says

jack suicides all the time

you got reported for it! but neither of us veg

i don't think we have ever vegged from a game
almost 10 years

carolineeee says

jack suicides all the time

you got reported for it! but neither of us veg
deletedalmost 10 years
jack suicides all the time
almost 10 years
i veg so much that i became an actual radish irl
almost 10 years
mfw I'm not on this list yet
almost 10 years
sorry for veg
almost 10 years
i have, in total, vegged 17.3 times
almost 10 years
In all my career, I have not vegged. Not even once. Not even twice. Not even one hundred times.
almost 10 years
Just go ahead and put me there I veg like every game
almost 10 years
oooh I wanna be a tomato if thats a veg
almost 10 years
I'm a radish
almost 10 years

TedTonate says

Does AFKing count?

almost 10 years
Furansu vegged once and let the village win wtf ban her
almost 10 years
Associate definitely veg
almost 10 years
Does AFKing count?
almost 10 years
can i pick which vegetable i want to be
almost 10 years
PsyGwendok. I'm secretly a cabbage
almost 10 years
error why kick
almost 10 years
Reamix is a vegetable kill her n1 everytime
deletedalmost 10 years
Kittykeri wins this thread!

Me on list pls
almost 10 years
SonicTheHuman vegs too much