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Agree with Jupiter or else

almost 10 years


Sam3278: A decent human being doesn't ban someone from playing because of their feelings on homosexuality, just because I didn't say something positive about it, does not mean I said anything negative about it. Stop with the abuse of power

Jupiter: Well your first appeal was already sustained and I'm pretty sure whatever other mods read this thread will agree with me, so you're just going to have to deal with it.

If someone brings up homosexuality, you have to talk about it positively, otherwise its a vio according to Jupiter. Read the topic itself, its not me quoting out of context.

What is homosexuality
Really Awesome
almost 10 years
About what exactly? What I said is based on my personal experiences when dealing with people, I haven't met a single educated person around my age that has prejudices against sexual orientation. Maybe it's a cultural thing, you might change my point of view with an explanation.
almost 10 years

7Liquid7 says

This Sam guy looks childish and dumb as rocks, but so are you if you get offended by the word ***. In today's lingo it's not used as a homophobic slur, unless you are some kind of old bigot. Grow up, all of you.

you're wrong
almost 10 years
actually, liquid, you're wrong.
almost 10 years
This Sam guy looks childish and dumb as rocks, but so are you if you get offended by the word ***. In today's lingo it's not used as a homophobic slur, unless you are some kind of old bigot. Grow up, all of you.
almost 10 years

Jupiter says

ScubaSteve says

why isn't sam3278 suspended from the forums for 24 hours if he has two hateful comments violations?

I can arrange that.

hahaha ownage
almost 10 years
Is... this thread a troll thread? I don't think it's actually possible to be stupid enough to not realise why he was given those violations.
almost 10 years
no sarcasm detected
deletedalmost 10 years
Aw, I remember when Sam would sexually harass girls, now homophobia, really expanding his horizons, proud of him.
deletedalmost 10 years
i second it
almost 10 years
i vote we use the word "sam" as a slur.
almost 10 years

ScubaSteve says

Jupiter says

ScubaSteve says

why isn't sam3278 suspended from the forums for 24 hours if he has two hateful comments violations?

I can arrange that.

At this point, it'd probably be for his own good.

Good work
deletedalmost 10 years

Jupiter says

ScubaSteve says

why isn't sam3278 suspended from the forums for 24 hours if he has two hateful comments violations?

I can arrange that.

At this point, it'd probably be for his own good.
almost 10 years

ScubaSteve says

why isn't sam3278 suspended from the forums for 24 hours if he has two hateful comments violations?

I can arrange that.
deletedalmost 10 years
sam u cant just go around calling every1 g4y and expect no repercussions loser noob
almost 10 years
YouCantFoolMe stop crying. Scuba, I caught the ball so its cool, but you aint getting it back
deletedalmost 10 years
I mean he's hilariously stupid, and I appreciate the read, but someone's dropping the ball right now.
deletedalmost 10 years
wow im getting angry
deletedalmost 10 years
why isn't sam3278 suspended from the forums for 24 hours if he has two hateful comments violations?
almost 10 years
YouCantFoolMe seems to need to calm down
deletedalmost 10 years
u said *** multiple times clearly to antagonize and harass others so whats the fuvkin problem here noob
almost 10 years
Jupiter says I should have linked a game, yet didn't link it himself. Jupiter is the lyncher actually, not the mafia. Mafia has friends, lyncher has no friends.
almost 10 years
hes the fool, he wants to be lynched. lock topic
almost 10 years
I am innocent, this mafia guiltied me. Don't lynch me
almost 10 years
sam dont act innocent. but ya he runs the solarverse
deletedalmost 10 years
You sound a little frustrated.