deletedalmost 10 years

Why do bad things happen to good people?

almost 10 years

jackattack123 says

Incest? But you're in love with b0oty!

b0oty is my long lost sister. I just don't have the courage to tell her.
deletedalmost 10 years
xxx :3 :3 :3
almost 10 years
I didn't know you and KillHer were in cahoots i just thought you were siblings pls forgive me
deletedalmost 10 years
tyty <3<3
almost 10 years

Satan says

BAD things don't happen to GOOD people.

THINGS happen to PEOPLE.

whoever "wins" is good, and whoever "loses" is bad.

deletedalmost 10 years
That was me :)
deletedalmost 10 years
So what jack don't judge me we got a open relationship ok
deletedalmost 10 years
shout out 2 whoever plussed my post
deletedalmost 10 years
mom and dad r gonna be gone all night little brother im bored what should we do ^_^
almost 10 years
Incest? But you're in love with b0oty!
almost 10 years
BAD things don't happen to GOOD people.

THINGS happen to PEOPLE.

whoever "wins" is good, and whoever "loses" is bad.
deletedalmost 10 years
Yeah well you had similar name to jackhammer but you don't see me goin around accusing you of incest cause I got something called CLASS
almost 10 years

KillHerNotMe says

i bet jack jerks off to incest sick ***

That's one of my fetishes.
deletedalmost 10 years
i bet jack jerks off to incest sick ***
almost 10 years
You have similar names
deletedalmost 10 years
No you *** sicko that would be gross
almost 10 years
Are you guys brother and sister or something
almost 10 years

KillHimNotMe says

Here is some general advice - don't let other people define what is good and bad about you cause other people don't know you as we'll as you do

You are getting back to the mediocre posts. But I'm still happy about that other one, it was funny.
deletedalmost 10 years
Satan you dumb troll if god didn't exist than satan wouldn't so take it to another thread idiot
deletedalmost 10 years
Here is some general advice - don't let other people define what is good and bad about you cause other people don't know you as we'll as you do
almost 10 years
neither bc god doesnt exist
deletedalmost 10 years
I think rain is just water cause I wen to a top-tier science university and make almost 5 figures
deletedalmost 10 years
Do U think that when god takes a shower it's the rain or do U think it's wehn god is takin a leak?
almost 10 years

KillHimNotMe says

Maybe it's cause he is just havin a bad day

This has been your best post I've read by you KHNM. I giggled. Honest here. 9/10
deletedalmost 10 years
Sometimes when I'm havin a bad day I don't smile back at girls who smile at me jut to ruin they self/esteem that is kinds like a emotional tsunami - think about it