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Chronic Lobby Comp/SVPD Expansion

over 10 years

Chronic Lobby Competition

Two winners of the competition will get Mafia Chronicles games. The first winner will get The initial $39.99 Mafia Chronicles game. The second winner will get to choose EITHER a deck of replacement cards OR a deck of the Saint Valence Police Department Expansion valued at $14.99.

(Accepting winners will have to give me a physical address to mail the games too, if you do not want to give me a home address a place of business or suitable other receiving address is acceptable. If player 1 does not want the item, it is offered to player 2 and player 3 gets the second place offer. I will go down the list until both games have been mailed to someone. I am not eligible to win. See lobby rules in the Chronic Lobby Forum for details. The Comp will be monitored. Cheating, throwing ect. will be harshly handled, so come to play fair. If Chronic Lobby Mods run; they are not aloud to handle reports. The moment they do, they become disqualified. I will try to handle all reports on my own tbh. Other site rules apply as you will see in the rules. Pastebins ARE NOT accepted. I will ship overseas. This only applies to Round 147; and the competition must be finished before Oct. 1st or I will just screen shot the winners and figure it out.)

I have filled the lobby with setups that have been my personal favorites over the years; so enjoy.

Saint Valence Police Department Expansion

The Saint Valence Police Department Expansion for the board game Mafia Chronicles is now available to buy for only $14.99.

If you do not want to pay $39.99 for the original Mafia Chronicles box; then you can buy the replacement cards for $14.99.

*The replacement cards/expansions do not come with rules or any components. If you want a copy of the rules AFTER you buy it ... PM me. Tell me the city & state you purchased your copy from and I will send you a copy of the rules and other text based components to any e-mail/skype you prefer. I will ONLY send these copies to purchasers.

Details & Links

1.) Mafia Chronicles Original Game Box -

2.) Replacement Cards -

3.) SVPD Expansion -

Why am I doing this? I want the Chronic lobby to dish out a trophy. And I want people to have the game and enjoy it.

Thanks, MafiaGod.

over 10 years
This was the pre EM Olympics competition I hosted.
deletedover 10 years
What even is this?
over 10 years

Jacob97 1st place.

Artemisia 2nd place.

Both prizes have been sent. Jacob97 is working on a Youtube video to give a critic of the initial box.
over 10 years
Still waiting on a second runner up to accept the prize.
over 10 years
Congrats to Jacob & RedMage for winning round 147. A copy of Mafia Chronicles has been sent to Jacob.
over 10 years
Games to be distributed within the next 2 weeks. Winners will be publicly posted.