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Note to all users

deletedalmost 10 years

Note: This message is approved by Bronto

In keeping up with our TOS, please double check your bio (avatar, status, gifs, videos, profile, etc) and game options (death message, etc) for stuff that would violate the TOS. This also applies to usernames (either deleted or name change, which takes tokens) and setupnames. We appreciate your help with this. As it is seen or brought to our attention, we will delete immediately and give an IC violation as of midnight est July 14, 2014. Up until that point, it will be immediate deletion and a note to document the contact. We know that for most people it shouldn’t be a problem since you do value this site. Check the rules tab for info on this at Thanks again!

almost 10 years
I happened to play this setup:

once (or twice, can't remember, was a long time ago, but I don't appear in the stats of "lovers" of the setup... the one who played the most has 3 plays)

I think the Title should be changed :P (and maybe the setup removed?)
almost 10 years
They're also submitting the implementation of a system where you must have a login to see the forums and must agree to be over 13 to get said login.
deletedalmost 10 years
Yeah, for now change everything you can, name change we're still waiting on. If you have alts that have like little to no points, I'll tell you right now, those aren't getting name changes. Delete them and make more.
almost 10 years

Hadeharia says

I'd say providing a free name change for everybody would be a better way to do things in this case.

Admin is offering it (at least he offered it to one person, i'm assuming he will offer it to all people who need it)
deletedalmost 10 years
I'd say providing a free name change for everybody would be a better way to do things in this case.
almost 10 years

you can't require someone to pay money to change a name.