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petition- age restriction

almost 10 years

on forums. some people here are old enough to talk about serious matter like politics and war, and what ever thats wrong in the world. i dont mind keeping the redacted thingy on swears and bad words. but we are supposed to still have our freedom of speech.

cant we just have age restriction on some of the forums?maybe based by threads? so little 10 years old wont get out of their annoying comfort zone, and us adults could keep this site relevant and interesting for us as well?

add age restriction on forums
2 signed
we want our freedom of speech!
almost 10 years

Clarkeboi says

do you want to add an epicmafia constitution or something lmfao

i want to be able to speak freely to friends in this community, and i want to do it here, so this community will stay epicmafia community.
almost 10 years
if yr 10 olds are on EM im worried
almost 10 years
do you want to add an epicmafia constitution or something lmfao
almost 10 years
ok so why not adding it anyway? it has only plusses
almost 10 years
freedom of speech is strictly limited to the government limiting what is said--not on a private messageboard
almost 10 years
why not venus? dont just say stuff without backing yourself up
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years
i dont even know where the suggestions forum is anymore