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Tokens Lottery #2

deletedalmost 10 years

Idea taken from Shoukanjuu & Kino. So kudos to them for such a cute idea to keep the donations going into the site.

This requires nothing from you. All you have to do is comment below signing up!

My lottery will be a bit different. As of right now it will be a one time lottery not weekly. Depending on how this one goes I will most likely do another one in the future. :3

I will also be using It will be generated and whoever comes out on top wins.

I'm also giving you choices on prizes. This will be determined by the poll. So be sure to vote!! I can either draw 2 names from and give 20 tokens too both winners. Or I can only draw one winner and give them 60 tokens. You be the judge of that.

Please for fairness only enter under one account. I'm not going to be looking to far into it but if I see an account that looks unused or that i know is an alt of someone who has already entered I will disqualify the 2nd entry

When you comment make it obvious that you actually want to be in the draw. If not i will take it as your just making a comment.

This lottery is for all lobbys so feel free to enter

If you dont know what these tokens can be spent on, Take a look at Riddlers topic!

This drawing will be one week from today, So July 5th, Good luck everyone! <3

If you for some reason can not comment PM me and i'll be glad to add you :3

Which one would you prefer?
20 tokens each 2 draws.
60 tokens one draw.
deletedalmost 10 years
I will be sending out tokens soon. Thanks for signing up :3
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
UPDATE: Getting the names in the generator and will be drawing the names soon.
deletedalmost 10 years
sign me up
almost 10 years
Count me in.
almost 10 years
Best of luck to all players!
almost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
I'd like to join. Thanks :)
almost 10 years
i'm going to join. uvu thank you!
deletedalmost 10 years
I'd like to join!
almost 10 years
Sign me up, broseph.
deletedalmost 10 years
i'm in
almost 10 years
Hi you are the bestest :P
deletedalmost 10 years
IM IN :# you guys are awesome!
almost 10 years
Let me in!
almost 10 years
I am joining! Thanks :)
almost 10 years
Yes please
deletedalmost 10 years
yes plz :-)
almost 10 years
yes me!!
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
count me in
almost 10 years
draw me bby like a french painter ;)
almost 10 years
I am in!!!!
almost 10 years
I'm in.