about 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

over 7 years
No, I'm legitimately serious. This lady named Kim accidentally used her front door open remote thing to open her front door and somehow it locked the deadbolt while the door was open. This meant even when she pressed the remote thing, her door wouldn't latch. She's not just wheelchair lady, she's full on quadriplegic tho, so she called me and asked me to help her.
over 7 years
Is this a metaphor for you helping the town that you crippled yourself?
deletedover 7 years
I believe you whitepimp
over 7 years
But really a wheelchair lady needed my help and I'm a good person so I helped her.
over 7 years

sinead says

still waiting for a gerry/mori pic :(

I would, gladly, but Gerry doesn't want me to post a picture of him.
over 7 years
still waiting for a gerry/mori pic :(
over 7 years

Whitepimp007 says

Some lady in a wheelchair needed help and I was distracted. It's a good thing I vegged.

We both know it was GRS but for the sake of being corrupt let's pretend nothing happened here.
over 7 years
Some lady in a wheelchair needed help and I was distracted. It's a good thing I vegged.
over 7 years

Whitepimp007 says

Nice cleavage.

Thank you, nice journ shot ;)
over 7 years
Nice cleavage.
over 7 years

Last post was a fail. Anyway, Snapchat filters are amusing.
over 7 years

Snapchat filters are amusing
over 7 years
But... I cant.

Thats why im bald. I dont understand the meme
deletedover 7 years
Any man can grow hair. Only a real man can grow a beard.
over 7 years
im too lazy

just picture an ugly brown guy with a beard and no hair on his head(usually disguised with headware)

male pattern baldness :(
over 7 years

over 7 years

mindful says

what is that food, ling

it was just 5 chickens
deletedover 7 years
post more sexy photos
deletedover 7 years
So many hot babes in this thread I'm spinning in life with amazement
deletedover 7 years
Omg babes
deletedover 7 years

ling says

im on teh left

now i know why my boyfriend is obsessed with you
over 7 years
who's dat hottie w the rice
over 7 years
what is that food, ling
over 7 years

im on teh left
over 7 years

Im on teh left