about 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

deletedabout 7 years

ling says

Anthony says

Just realized I never posted a pic in here before.

about 7 years

ling says

dope says

about to start my career as a drag queen

about 7 years

dope says

about to start my career as a drag queen

deletedabout 7 years
Mirá esas cejas papáaaaaaaaaaa

why am i speaking in taco?
deletedabout 7 years

Voidzz says

who is ellie

an absolute babe and hot bïach
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years

YHWH says

Have I posted this one of me yet

deletedabout 7 years
who is ellie
about 7 years
2 pictures of me and 1 picture of calvin (he may be flexing and shirtless) for your snapchat
about 7 years

ling says

I'll trade you 2 calvin selfies for your snapchat

Whilst the famous calvin selfie is a valuable commodity, 2 is a small dose.

To win me over its gonna take a solid 10 Calvin selfies with 10/10 angles and lighting.
about 7 years

thelastchromosome says

Whitepimp007 says

I got really brave and flirted with the gay bartender by giving him a little finger wave through my rainbow hair and it worked. Then I was like, "Fk, I don't know what to do now I was just playing around but now he givin me the eyes and oh sht halp."

how was it?

I just kinda smiled and was like "Hi, can I has a drank?" Honestly, putting on a child sized dress and leggings while not giving a fk was kinda sweet. We danced, had a ton of fun, and the judging is nonexistent since it was a gay bar. We got super wasted, then we ubered home and passed tf out.
deletedabout 7 years
hold out for the holographic Calvins
about 7 years
I'll trade you 2 calvin selfies for your snapchat
deletedabout 7 years

Whitepimp007 says

I got really brave and flirted with the gay bartender by giving him a little finger wave through my rainbow hair and it worked. Then I was like, "Fk, I don't know what to do now I was just playing around but now he givin me the eyes and oh sht halp."

how was it?
about 7 years
You can snap Mary she's in your state ;)
about 7 years
how come u dont want my snapchat?
about 7 years
ling tell your friend Calvin to post all his snap chat selfies here.

I have viable sources saying he sends 20 a day and he is hot.

Edit ^ apparently only half that statement is true ;)
about 7 years
Mad respect
about 7 years
I got really brave and flirted with the gay bartender by giving him a little finger wave through my rainbow hair and it worked. Then I was like, "Fk, I don't know what to do now I was just playing around but now he givin me the eyes and oh sht halp."
deletedabout 7 years
there's hardly a man alive who could deny you
about 7 years

I'm such a pretty grill.
deletedabout 7 years
were u in a masturbatory perusal of epicmafia pics pls?
about 7 years
Can someone explain how this happened cuz I can't stop laughing

about 7 years

Decel says

(i'm the middle one.) Been getting forced outside lately. I need glasses because of how bright the sun is compared to my dark room and computer screen.

deletedabout 7 years

BarGriz says

Yes says


Hot as fuc k
