almost 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

about 7 years
about 7 years

crew says

Your eyebrows and cry for attention on here only highlight what you and everyone else already suspect... you are insecure.
Likely your insecurity stems from always questioning if you really ever earned anything by merit. Most people probably hand you things because they like looking at you. But that's made you vapid, shallow, and unable to perform in any way that adds true value in the world.
Your relationships are superficial. Your romance life always has the shadow of doubt. Does he love you... or how you look? If you were disfigured, would anyone give you a second glance based on personality?
That nagging feeling will keep you looking for validation. It keeps you in the gym. It makes you post photos online looking for praise or positive attention. It keeps you going back for a nip here and tuck there. Before long you'll look like Donatella Versace with the personality of one of her handbags.
You'll shift from being the center of attention to being part of a gaggle of women who make rude comments about younger girls because you feel jealous and rude comments about men who no longer pay attention to you.
You'd be better served working on being a better person than hunting for attention on Pics Pls, but you'll likely die young and your grave will be about as shallow as your personality.
Thanks for the gold
about 7 years
This thread gets weirder by the year.
about 7 years
hi ling
about 7 years

Edark says

ElIie says

Becomeclear says

You are one to talk

boys like you like to rationalise me as a catfish

shut up johnreid

about 7 years

ElIie says

Becomeclear says

You are one to talk

boys like you like to rationalise me as a catfish

shut up johnreid
about 7 years
Ok generic female account whose personality is a direct copy of all the other generic female accounts on the website
about 7 years

Becomeclear says

You are one to talk

boys like you like to rationalise me as a catfish
about 7 years
hi ellie
about 7 years
You are one to talk
about 7 years
I wonder if this girls a catfish hmmmmm
deletedabout 7 years

GentIeman says

Becomeclear says

prove it

Crew is my alt, mod check me

i am not an alt account.
about 7 years

Becomeclear says

prove it

Crew is my alt, mod check me
deletedabout 7 years
sounds like an overwhelming push to change it, thanks folks
about 7 years
oh no
deletedabout 7 years
youre being really rude right now so forget what i said about you being my mentor.
deletedabout 7 years
someone changed my avatar but idk what to think of it, should i chaneg it?
about 7 years
sorry typo, his own posts*
about 7 years
crew's deleting her own posts and blaming me smh
deletedabout 7 years
why did you delete my post?? why are you being a bully??
deletedabout 7 years

Becomeclear says

Upvote my posts and I'll undo my wrath

i dont see your wrath anywhere
about 7 years
prove it
about 7 years
I'm fade
about 7 years
Upvote my posts and I'll undo my wrath
about 7 years