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Battlefield Discussion Thread

deletedover 10 years

Hello all, I want some community feedback on the stratego-style game, Battlegrounds.

Rules: (title changed to Battlegrounds)


The icons are based off of old sprites I made back in 2010 for a similar project that never took off. I think the icons look a little childish myself, due to the font, but it may be a personal preference.

The point is, I'm looking for suggestions on the rules, gameplay, and icons so Battlegrounds looks 'cool' and not 'lame'.

Icon info:

Icon size - 40x40 px, with a 20x25 frame for numbers, letters, etc<br> Gameboard - 510x510 (10 rows, 10 columns, 50x50 squares, 1px offset on all sides)<br> Banner - 206x103 px

What's needed:

An icon for the lobby, 20x25, and a banner for the game itself.

deletedover 10 years
The rules are in the OP, Gist.
over 10 years
Are we going to get an explanation on how to play this game or will that wait until "the end of next weekend"?
over 10 years
I honestly like the first one of those two new proposed icon, but I'm not admin... =p
deletedover 10 years
I made two variations to the piece format. I like the castle 'look' so I kept that. but it could be changed to the square like Realeo did. Which seems better, and admin which do you like more? Number only, or one of these?

deletedover 10 years
Anxiety, the difficulty with multiple themes is the risk of copyright infringement. The epicmafia theme is copyrighted by lucid already, so there is no worry there.

Admin, do any of these suggestions sound appealing to you?
over 10 years
it will be built by end of next week
over 10 years
it's actually going to be called battlegrounds
deletedover 10 years
I'd assume so. In the board game variation when a piece was defeated it'd go back in the box, and each piece had a specific place in the box so you'd always be able to know what was left, or if the other guy had no Saboteurs or Mines left.
over 10 years
Will there be any role tracker? Like to count how each role left?
deletedover 10 years
Nah, no pieces can be placed or can enter the "choke points". This is what it would look like after initial setup:

The game board itself hasn't been designed yet, pending suggestions from this thread unless Lucid designs it himself. It would be good if the game pieces and game board blended well. That means that if mafia role icons and numbers are used, the game board could be a "town" with a few buildings.
over 10 years
Here's a pathetic attempt: Excuse me for Ms.Paint.
over 10 years
I honestly never heard about this 2 x 2 "Choke Point". New addition? This means that no one (including your self) can enter it right? Can I just put my "Plans" there? I'm not disturbed with the "childish fonts icon", but since the roles are from EM, it will be cool if there's also the picture of the role with the number beside it. And we haven't see the game board it self!