Hello all, I want some community feedback on the stratego-style game, Battlegrounds.
Rules: http://puu.sh/9ziRO/7297e19e7f.png (title changed to Battlegrounds)
Icons: http://imgur.com/a/O6BdG#0
The icons are based off of old sprites I made back in 2010 for a similar project that never took off. I think the icons look a little childish myself, due to the font, but it may be a personal preference.
The point is, I'm looking for suggestions on the rules, gameplay, and icons so Battlegrounds looks 'cool' and not 'lame'.
Icon info:
Icon size - 40x40 px, with a 20x25 frame for numbers, letters, etc<br> Gameboard - 510x510 (10 rows, 10 columns, 50x50 squares, 1px offset on all sides)<br> Banner - 206x103 px
What's needed:
An icon for the lobby, 20x25, and a banner for the game itself.