So we were discussing dicewars and how it was strange none of these little countries had names. I think it would be awesome if this changed.
Basically, instead of just [player.Attacker] attacks [player.Defender], each country gets assigned a random name from an anon deck one makes beforehand. if you'd mouse over the country, it's name would appear on the bottom right below the map. And when these countries fight, the name would replace "PLAYER attacks PLAYER!" with, say, in a world deck, "New Zealand attacks Japan!"
Fandoms and others would also have a lot of fun with it. It would add a personal element into what's otherwise a pretty impersonal experience
Also, if no deck is selected, countries should randomly generate names from a list of suffixes, like so
Which could generate from the three piece splitting Ickiland, Amzeastan, Terhiti, and other country names.
This anondeck and random country naming would also improve gameplay because saying "Don't attack Terhiti if you know what's good for you" makes it pretty explicit what you're talking about rather than just vague directions like north, east, south, and west.