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Mentor-Mentee Program Info/Sign-ups

deletedabout 11 years

<h3>The Mentor-Mentee Program: What it is</h3> This program is designed to help mafia players of all experience levels improve their knowledge and skill-set through the guidance of mentors. Mentors are chosen by moderators as players who have a deeper understanding of the game and are willing to share that with others. As a mentee, you will work with a mentor or mentors at your desired pace and times.

<h3>Mentees: How to sign up</h3> If you are interested in joining the new mentor-mentee program as a mentee, please post here and we will add you to our mentor spreadsheet and be in touch with you soon. We would like to be as accommodating as possible so giving us an idea of your particular wants from this program and any particular preferences (including mentor choice) is completely welcome. Here is a format you can use to post: <br><br> Main username:<br> Type of mentorship: [basic, intermediate, advanced] -Basic is for generally newer players<br> Availability:<br> Additional notes:<br> <br> Once a mentor-mentee pairing is approved, you'll receive another PM and you'll be able to begin working things out with your mentor. If you cannot post in this topic, PM one of the mentors as linked here.

<h3>How it works</h3> The basic program introduces players to mafia through Classic Mafia, a standard and simple mafia setup. Here, you will be introduced to terminology such as "lylo," "mylo", "bussing", "lurking", "fos", etc., and their definitions. We will explain the basic mechanics of a game, as well as answer any site/game/tactics questions you have. Here is an example of a basic training session game. Once you feel comfortable with basic aspects of the site and game, we recommend playing some on your own (you can of course feel free to ask the mentors for anything). If you desire more from the program, we will set you up with a personal mentor for more advanced training!

The advanced program is based on mentor oversight in ranked and unranked games. The site administrator implemented a function that allows a mentor to see his or her mentee's role without directly participating in the game. They will be able to share their thoughts and give guidance to their mentees. Mentees may also opt to play competitive games with their mentors and debrief when it's over (mentors cannot under any circumstance treat you any differently than any other player in a ranked game). Flexibility is encouraged to accommodate your needs and you can expect this from your mentor.

There is no 100% systematic way to get better at mafia, so I will stress that you communicate with your mentor(s) and accurately express your thoughts and needs. All feedback is appreciated.

<h3>Questions, concerns, or suggestions?</h3>

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to message mangofruit, beccaecca, me, or one of the mentors as linked here. You will also get an answer posting in this thread and we encourage your public feedback and suggestions.

about 11 years
yeah, to save competitive lobby culture, to be more exact..
about 11 years
again, let me know if there are any bugs with (2), you should see the list of mentors in a room on the bottom left. the next step is for a mentee to be able to click on a mentor to initiate a conversation.
about 11 years

admin says

eh, hope you guys don't use this tool to joke around. this is really my last gift to competitive lobby. if this doesn't work, custom lobbies will pretty much be set in stone. if you really care about competitive lobby, this is your chance to save it. i've really run out of things to build after this.

finished (2), you can now see the mentors as they enter a room, can't chat with them just yet

It's up to us to save epicmafia
about 11 years

Kyle says

laexio i'm going to mentor you. i'm going to get you mafia fit again

about 11 years
eh, hope you guys don't use this tool to joke around. this is really my last gift to competitive lobby. if this doesn't work, custom lobbies will pretty much be set in stone. if you really care about competitive lobby, this is your chance to save it. i've really run out of things to build after this.

finished (2), you can now see the mentors as they enter a room, can't chat with them just yet
deletedabout 11 years
laexio i'm going to mentor you. i'm going to get you mafia fit again
about 11 years

PokemonMaster says

hey luci i have a suggestion how about not letting new ranked games start before you take the site down and then waiting until all current ranked games finish

boo hoo
about 11 years
Main username: yeezuswest
Type of mentorship: advanced
Availability: medium
Additional notes: none
about 11 years
hey luci i have a suggestion how about not letting new ranked games start before you take the site down and then waiting until all current ranked games finish
about 11 years
Very nice
about 11 years
ok fixed ape
about 11 years
I can only spectate if its unbanked and allows spectating
about 11 years
please let me know if this bugs
about 11 years
ok, mentor can now enter a game of a mentee if it isn't competitive. they will purely be spectating at this point. wiring up presence + chat soon
about 11 years
ok, (1) should be done. let me know if this isn't the case.
about 11 years
the order of operation today is this..

1. make sure mentors can see a list of mentees in lobby and choose to join a game that already started.

2. make sure once a mentor joins a game, he/she sees mentees and mentees seem them.

3. finally, allow chat boxes to be started between mentees and mentors

4. solve edge cases like mentors leaving mid-chat
about 11 years
haha yeah PE, finally building it, should be completed today (fingers and toes crossed)
about 11 years

Raise says

PublicEnemy says

Is this the idea I had for Mentoring like years ago???



This should be good tbh.
about 11 years

PublicEnemy says

Is this the idea I had for Mentoring like years ago???

about 11 years
Is this the idea I had for Mentoring like years ago???
about 11 years
created a forum for mentors, can a mentor test it?
deletedabout 11 years
thats coool cheers lucid
deletedabout 11 years
why does projectmatt get you and not me :(
about 11 years
i'll try to finish the in-game chat tonight
about 11 years
oh, becca + mango, make sure to logout and log back in to get the keys