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EM News - [12/22/12]

over 11 years

> EM News 2nd Edition > --------------------- > published by Betrayal. <br/> <br/>

<br/> > ## EM Headlines ## <br/> The X-Mas Cup! <br/> Since the world didn't end last Friday, and we're all still here, Round 80 has gotten pretty intense! The current standings are <a href="">Bronco</a> in 1st place, <a href="">Giga13</a> in second, and <a href="">Shivv</a> in third. And for all you runner ups, it's never too late to rise to the top! Good luck! <br/> <br/> Which role will come in whole? <br/> Come and vote for your favorite role, <a href="">here</a>. Support your favorite role creator on the final poll as they will receive 60 tokens as compensation! This event was brought to you by <a href="">Rondar</a> and <a href="">lucidrains</a>. May the best role win! <br/> <br/> Tribevivor - The Results <br /> Last night, a very dramatic game of Tribevivor went on with some of the most prestigious Survivor players that exist on Epicmafia. 24 survivors entered into three different tribes, and fought to see who IS the best survivor player. The merge consisted of only one of the tribes! Tribe Jesus dominated the competition, and only their tribe exists in the Merge. In the end, it was a close race with the team captain of Tribe Jesus, xKandy, and another player named Surfman. In a surprising twist, Surfman won in the jury vote 4-3 over xKandy. To read more about this event, and get a peek at the full results of the game, go <a href="">here</a>! <br/> <br /> Recent Site Changes <br/> Thanks to the work of our dear <a href="">admin</a>, there has been a handful of notable recent site changes. First and foremost, there is no longer a tab to Edit your biography, now you simply hover over the Edit link in the top right corner of your biography for editing. This mechanism also applies to threads. As for posts, and comments, you simply click the pencil for editing. Secondly, there is a new hovering addition to polls that makes viewing polls all the better. Furthermore, there are new in-game backgrounds differentiating between day and night! Stay tuned to more site changes! <br/><br /> X-Mas Event <br/> On X-Mas, the News team will be hosting a site-wide event that will rock your socks! Stay tuned for December 25th.

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> ## Notable Account Changes ## <br/> User News <br/> - <a href="">Shmeur</a> has reached 80,000 points. <br /> - <a href="">Slepz</a> has reached 70,000 points. <br/> <br/> Bans <br/> - <a href="">PetaKnowsHowToDougie</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">Petar</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">manuknighted13</a> was banned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">JDarkside</a> was banned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">EMChampion</a> was banned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">Midnight</a> was banned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">Mystique</a> was banned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">jesuschristalmighty</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">LoliVampire</a> was banned from Training and Sandbox lobby. <br /> - <a href="">Stuff</a> was banned from Training and Sandbox lobby. <br /> - <a href="">templar</a> was banned from Training and Sandbox lobby. <br/> - <a href="">Recon</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">darkness</a> was banned from Training and Sandbox lobby. <br /> - <a href="">Passenger</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">OneMoreChance</a> was banned from Training and Sandbox lobby. <br /> - <a href="">lucidreigns</a> was banned from Training and Sandbox. <br /> - <a href="">ecvsio</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">Iaexio</a> was banned from Training and Sandbox lobby. <br /> - <a href="">Grindo </a>was banned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">hereforyou</a> was banned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">Petermh</a> was banned and then unbanned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">awwww </a> was banned and then unbanned from all lobbies. <br /> - <a href="">Iaurierose </a> was banned from Training and Sandbox lobby. <br /> - <a href="">proscumhuntmlg</a> was banned from Training and Sandbox lobby. <br /> - <a href="">Beppe</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">Scorpiopost</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">kittykat</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">PhyZix</a> was banned from Training and Competitive lobby. <br /> - <a href="">bluefish</a> was banned from Training and Competitive lobby. <br /> - <a href="">madvb23</a> was banned from Training and Competitive lobby. <br /> - <a href="">EvilDave</a> was banned from Training lobby. <br /> - <a href="">rafinhaa</a> was banned from Training lobby.

<br/> > ## Notable Threads ## <br/> Retti: <a href="">Round 80 Discussion</a> <br/> Rondar: <a href="">Special Rounds</a> <br /> Satan: <a href="">Does God exist</a> (1400 posts in 3 days)

<br/> > ## Blade's Corner ## <br/> Blade will be giving weekly review of roles that have been submitted but not approved of yet! This week's review is the <a href="">the Snowman</a> by ediz12. Basically, this role gives out a snowball to one person each night and during the day that person MUST throw it or it melts. When the person throws it, there's a 50% chance that the thrower will learn the person's role and a 50% chance that it will be revealed to all the person's thrown a snowball too. I like this because it's like a detective during the day but you're not guaranteed a report, it could help town by telling them mafia/making clears making it a good power role. I can't see it being in ranked games but I can definitely see it being made for sandbox games.

<br/> > ## EM Poem ## <br/> Are you great with literature? Submit a poem related to mafia for next week's edition. PM Betrayal.

<br/> > ## Question of the Week ## <br/> How long do you think it takes to get 10,000 points on one account spending all hearts per day? <br/> <br/> Do you have a question you'd like to ask? PM Betrayal, and maybe it'll end up on next week's News!

<br/> > ## Member of the Week ## <br /> This week's winner is <a href="">rockgirlnikki</a>, the creator of the Penguin role! <a href="">The Penguin role</a> has received over 90 likes in less than one week! Her genius idea regarding the role reflects who she is as a mafia player! <br /><br /> In an interview by <a href="">Phantomatrix</a> a couple of days ago, here's what rockgirlnikki has to say for herself: <br /><br /> What is your avatar and why did you choose it? It’s just a random baby penguin that I've stuck with my entire time on EM. It signifies fluffiness, but evilness at the same time. :] <br /><br /> What inspired the Penguins? Haha ok, well.... I've always had a fascination with them. They're cute and fluffy. Honestly, I hate birds, but there is just something about the penguin that makes everyone swoon. <br /><br /> How did you come up with the role? The penguin role was modeled after my persona on EM. I didn't want it to be a 'joke' role, so I left out anything troll-ish or bitchy (like I am). I wanted it to actually be helpful so I made it so that it incorporates several different types of things. The idea of 'waddling' over to someone is as straightforward as it can be - its a penguin; we don't walk, we waddle. As for the power of telling secrets with the penguin role, it incorporates my mischievous personality. Not only is it a trouble-making role, since you can assume multiple theories from the penguin's information, but it can actually be very helpful. For example, if the penguin tells you that 'Phantomatrix is carrying a suit', you are going to assume that the person was either masoned, culted or tailored, which in the end can be very helpful in a game or really confusing and can through the town off. The secrets are all true, since well... penguins do not lie (unless they're mafia), but you need to try and figure out how the secret needs to be interpreted. <br /> <br/> Submit your nominations for next week's MOTW and give a big round of applause to rockgirlnikki! You can nominate yourself or a friend, but be sure to say why! The deadline for nominations is 12/28/12.

<br/> > ## Game of the Week ## <br /> This week's winner is Game #1551345 led by the Mason, <a href="">PoptartKitten2</a>! You can review the game <a href="">here</a>! <br /> <br/> Submit your nominations for next week's GOTW! You can nominate any game, but be sure to say why it stands out! The deadline for nominations is 12/28/12.

<br/> > ## Shoutouts ## <br/> 1. from <a href="">lokito3</a> to all of the Jews of the world <br /> "i want to send a shoutout to all the jews on epicmafia and the world and wish them a happy hannuka. eat many suganyiot and light your menorahs and keep the happiness going! and merry christmas to everyone else as well!!" <br /><br /> 2. from <a href="">xKandy</a> to <a href="">potledom</a> <br /> I want to give a shotout to Potledom, for being my cute twin.<br /> #twinning <br/><br /> Is there something special that you'd like to tell the community? Well then PM Betrayal and have it on next week's shout out list.

<br/> > ## Current News Team ## <br/> Betrayal: Publisher, Chief Editor <br/> Loganz: Journalist {Sandbox / Games lobby} <br /> Phantomatrix: Journalist <br /> blade12344: Journalist {Roles} <br/> <br/> Become the next generation of the News Team, apply today! What are the advantages of being on the team? You will be able to help make the team better with your wonderful insight while working brainstorming, editing, writing, and designing the infrastructure for each week's paper. PM Betrayal.

Who do you think will win Gold?
over 11 years

xXEpicGodfatherXx says

lucid should make a direct link to this from the lobbies. Quote this if you agree.

over 11 years
lucid should make a direct link to this from the lobbies. Quote this if you agree.
deletedover 11 years
Oh, that one. I doubt it will stand for long.
over 11 years
Yay! :D Thank you so much for selecting me for this week's Member of the Week. <3
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What vio?
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journalism without the viewer in mind mad doesnt see potential
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Roughly 55 days.
over 11 years

madvb22 says

imho why isnt derfels vio in this news its like story of the week

If it was that important than my team would have covered it. :P
deletedover 11 years
imho why isnt derfels vio in this news its like story of the week
over 11 years

Derfel says

You should put a link to the last edition at the beginning or end of this edition?

I'll start archiving them next week.
over 11 years

MonsterMess says

I appreciate everything you do for EM, Betayal.

Thank you.
deletedover 11 years
I hope crypto wins just because it would piss a lot of people off
deletedover 11 years
You should put a link to the last edition at the beginning or end of this edition?
deletedover 11 years
I appreciate everything you do for EM, Betayal.
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Betrayal says

And remember folks, it's not about whether people read the news or not, it's about the fact that we have one. That's our slogan! :)

That's our sloganz*
deletedover 11 years
free press
over 11 years
And remember folks, it's not about whether people read the news or not, it's about the fact that we have one. That's our slogan! :)
over 11 years

Eloquence says

I request an article on the freemad campaign.

Elaborate please?
deletedover 11 years
I request an article on the freemad campaign.
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over 11 years
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vig is a mod lol
over 11 years
Interesting read! I am so proud to see Survivor picking up on Epic Mafia!!! MY BABY IS GROWING!!!