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My resignation

deletedabout 13 years

Before I start explaining why, I'm going to shut down some reasons why you guys might think I'm resigning. I am not resigning because of Lucid OR lolumad's new site. Now that that's out of the way....

I am resigning because I am tired. I have been a mod for 3 months and that's long enough for me. In the past, catching cheaters was a way for me to procrastinate from doing real work. I thoroughly enjoyed the process and it became a hobby of mine. However, as of late, I've been procrastinating from doing my mod duties. My life is stressful enough without epicmafia.

I also don't have the free time for being a mod. I go to boarding school and don't get on my computer until 8, at which point I normally have to do my homework. And while I'm trying to do my hw, if I go on em for even a second all I see are millions of trolling reports and the such and I get guilty that I'm unable/unwilling to help. This site was a way for me to procrastinate from doing my homework, if I procrastinate from doing my hw while procrastinating from modding em, all hell breaks lose. (if that makes any sense) I simply dont have the time commitment anymore.

Sorry to other mods + lucid for giving no warning.

TL;DR: Lost my motivationg and free time.

Here is a list of people I believe would be suitable replacements: Twister, girallon, wonderland

deletedabout 13 years
Also wow this got derailed pretty fast.
deletedabout 13 years
veiex 4 mod
deletedabout 13 years
Orange stop trolling.
about 13 years
Hey Germ, you forgot to put me up on the list of suitable replacements. You should edit it now to reflect this.
deletedabout 13 years
Germatron•3 minutes 39 seconds
Twister•27 seconds
TailFeathers•3 minutes 15 seconds

this is actually a good idea

he stole it from me though =C


no, right, I was just echoing it
deletedabout 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
also ITT: People passive aggressively try to get themselves in the mod discussion
deletedabout 13 years
Another one bites the dust. We're going to have no mods left soon.

And seeing as Fading outed Matt12's personal information, I cant' say how anything would think he'd be a good mod.
deletedabout 13 years
petricigy, no.
deletedabout 13 years
Hey Germatron would I make a good mod.
deletedabout 13 years
thanks bubbles, but Im not resigning because I think my schoolwork is more important. Im on fucking senior spring right now.
about 13 years
Bubbles, you think I'd be a good mod, right?
deletedabout 13 years
GL in life :D At this point school is probably more important.
about 13 years
Lol not tview.
about 13 years
Snowday for mod.
about 13 years
Al.... Life yes, EM no
about 13 years
sweet so I can ask to be a mod then
deletedabout 13 years
ITT: Tview07 takes life incredibly seriously
deletedabout 13 years
Twister•27 seconds
TailFeathers•3 minutes 15 seconds

this is actually a good idea

he stole it from me though =C
deletedabout 13 years
TailFeathers•3 minutes 15 seconds

this is actually a good idea
about 13 years
Unless your user number is under 15k, you can stop asking to be a mod because it's not going to happen.
about 13 years
No one would ever get banned or suspended if you were a mod.... every report that goes in for trolling or gamethrowing you say you see nothing wrong at all
deletedabout 13 years
I would love Lucid forever if he mad Orange a mod. he'd definitely fix the game.
deletedabout 13 years
Not really.
about 13 years
Why not, tview? I think I would make an excellent mod.